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Hey guys! This is my first 5v1 format story, hope you like it. It will feature each of the original six avengers plus one where the truth comes out. It's set after the first Avengers movie and just after the Winter Soldier. Reviews are appreciated!

Tony Stark had always been a curious person.

So when two master assassins joined the avengers he made it his mission to find out who they were and where they came from.

Natasha Romanoff had posed as his girlfriend's secretary a couple of years ago, but he still knew next to nothing about her. Her counterpart, Clint, was a similar story.

They had spent their first mission as a team chasing him and an evil god with yak horns on his head. But he proved himself in the battle of New York.

They always seemed to come in a pair, When he had offered each of the avengers a floor in the new Avengers tower, they had to look to each other for approval before accepting. Plus, they could both speak a gazillion languages that none of the others could understand. It irritated Tony to no end that they could be making fun of him and he would never know.

He had suspected that they were something more than friends when he watched the CCTV from Loki's interrogation, the normally stone-cold assassin was showing quite a lot of emotion. Plus, they always shared rooms.

Tony had given each avenger their own floor, but Clint had basically moved into Natasha's. They would always arrive at breakfast together, leave breakfast together, spar together.

They were inseparable!

So Tony decided to investigate further...

That evening Tony called all the avengers down to the lounge area to do some 'team bonding'. As he expected, the two assassins turned up together.

When everyone was seated Tony began "So, I want to do some team building. Everyone has to tell everyone else something that no one else knows about them". Natasha sent him a look that clearly stated her opinion on the matter. Tony quickly added, "Obviously it doesn't have to be anything too personal". Clint nudged Natasha's arm and she looked at him with the same attitude.

They continued to look at each other until Natasha huffed and said "Fine, but what if someone already knows everything about you?". Clint looked pretty smug and answered before Tony could open his mouth "I don't know everything about you, Tasha, just most of it". Natasha shot him another death glare, but Clint just smirked at her. Tony was shocked, no one ever disagreed with Natasha, let alone smirked at her death glares.

"Ahem, ok I'll go first, I have anxiety from the cave I was held hostage at", he was sure a couple of them already knew that but it was an ice-breaker.

Steve went next "I've always wondered what it would be like if I had married Peggy, how things would be different".

Bruce cleared his throat "I erm, I think of a girl in high school that I liked when I need to calm down", Steves face went a bit red at that, as did Bruces.

Thor went slightly pink as he told his story, "When Loki and I were young, Lokishapeshifted into my mother Frigga and told me that father was going to make Loki king when we were older because I would have an even more special job. I got excited when she/he told me that I would journey to al the nine realms seeking battle, and Loki would just be looking after the throne for me. She/he sent me to go and start my 'conquest', father found me three weeks later attempting to operate the Bifrost. Father was very displeased.", everyone laughed at that, even Natasha cracked a small smile.

All eyes fell on the two assassins, They locked eyes again *Seriously though, it's like they have a conversation in seconds without saying anything* Tony thought to himself. Clint nodded his head at her and turned to face the rest of them "I was in a circus until I was 13". Everyone nodded and smiled before looking to the woman sitting next to him.

Natasha picked up her glass of wine and spoke softly "I could kill a man 15 ways by the time I was 7 years old". Clint put a hand on her thigh gently, *SERIOUSLY! If anyone else tried that, she would have a knife to their throat within a second* .

There was definitely something going on there.

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