Chapter 13

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Hearing the threatening tone and the familiar 'I'll kill you' words, Eklaire chuckled in delight.

"Woah, Calm down Mr.Prince. It's been a while since our last meeting and yet you still haven't realized It's just amusing me when you're mad." Eklaire stated before gently pushing Niji away, who, surprisingly enough, actually cooperate and stepped back a little.

Niji glared at Eklaire's figure, "Why the hell did you ran?" He asked in anger, thinking back how he looked like a fool in dazed back then. It's a good thing that they were alone, else Niji would have commit murder in that lab, obviously killing every witnessed to removed that embarrassment scene throughout the History of time.

Eklaire raised her eyebrow in amusement, "Of all the things, that's what you're going to asked?"

"F*ck your question! Just answer mine first!" Niji impatiently said, cornering Eklaire between his arms as he gripped the railing.

Eklaire grinned, "Well, you could say I did that out of instinct." She stated with a calm smile, not the usual playful grin.

"Out of instinct? What the hell does that supposed to mean?" Niji asked in confusion, but his face mainly show his irritation.

"Well, You see...." Eklaire blink, though it's not visible because the hood, like always, shadowed her face. "You're hot tempered so I thought you will went berserk after what happened. So before you act out of impulse and kill me, I ran away. Is that enough explanation?"

That innocent tone and small frown was actually believable that it made Niji's blood boil once the thought of this vampire being a complete 'oblivious' idiot crossed his mind.

Before he could say something, Those familiar crimson eyes glowed under the hood and stared directly into him.

"Hey, Blueberry."

Hearing that, Niji sigh. "What?"

It was obvious that he already realized nothing would happen if he continue to become angry, because he can't hit this woman no matter what. Days ago when he had nothing to do, he gather information about the said vampire and discover the power backing her up. He ain't an idiot and he knows what kind of disadvantage they would face if ever something happened.

Eklaire, to say the least, was surprised for a moment that Niji actually responded to the nickname. Because of that, a genuine grin made it's way to Eklaire's face and, for unknown reason, she started to feel excited.

"Ne~ Prince-san. You don't have any mission for the following weeks, yes?" She asked, the excitement oddly visible in her voice.

Niji furrowed his eyebrow in confusion, "And why the hell are you asking?"

It was obvious that the vampire already knew the answer, and that excited grin can't helped but be noticeable in her face.

"Then, you don't mind going with me into Flevance, right?!" Eklaire asked excitedly as she held Niji's hand, noting how Niji's face turned blank for a while before glancing at that one hand holding his own. A light shade of pink dusted acrossed his face as he pulled his hand away from Eklaire's gripped, his faced turning dark in an instant.

Again with that feeling. The warm feeling that spread throughout his chest was starting to bother him. Throughout this 3 weeks, he never felt it, just now. Now that he was talking and facing this woman who's face he has yet to see.

Once his thoughts arrived at the topic of the Vampire's face, a bright idea made it's way to Niji's head as he smirked.

"I will if you agree with my term." Niji said, taking a step closer towards Eklaire who didn't even flinched at the closeness.

Eklaire smiled, "Well, speak up. I hoped your terms were negotiable."

Her tripped to Flevance was important, because she found out something and she can't wait to see whether she could find something more into that place; The hospital.

The problem is, she can't go alone because Judge would surely not allowed her to go alone. It doesn't need to be asked because it's obvious that the answer would be no, not until she could find someone to go with her.

Now, If she could get Niji to come with her, then it would be way more easier to do what she wanted and if she asked Judge, he won't be able to reject it because one of his trusted son was going.

Eklaire waited for Niji to say what he wanted. When he opened his mouth, the words that fell out from his mouth were....

"I want to know your f*cking name and see that face behind that damn hood of yours."

Eklaire: "........"

The silence caused Niji to frown as he glared at Eklaire. "What? You don't agree?" He asked in irritation, causing Eklaire to tilt her head.

"Well, I didn't expect it to be that easy." She stated uncertainly, a smile made it's way into her face.

"Easy?" Niji muttered in confusion before glaring at her. "Tell me something you wimp."

Eklaire smiled, "Asked away."

"Why the f*ck are you hiding you damn face in the first place?! I'm starting to think your face is as hideous as you just said on the first day." Niji stated, and tried to lower his body to get a look but Eklaire quickly ducked and backed away from Niji, who stood there in surprise.

"You're fast." Niji commented, not expecting Eklaire to get away that quickly. He turned at the side where Eklaire stood with a smile, her hand holding down her hood.

"Well...." Eklaire started and sigh, "My face wasn't normal, if you asked me." She said in a dramatic tone, posing a little as she grinned.

"And why the hell is that?" Niji asked, causing Eklaire to laugh.

"First, could you do me a favor and get that piece of paper? It's something important."  She said, pointing at the small paper stucked into the tree.

Niji frowned and glance at her before wordlessly taking the paper, which is within his reached. After all, Eklaire was smaller than him and her arms was also shorter, so he wasn't surprised that she can't reach it.

Taking the paper, Eklaire grinned and suddenly did something unexpected.

She placed a light kiss in Niji's cheek turning around with a hearty laugh.

"Now, wouldn't you find your answer after we get back from Flevance?"

And with that, she left instantly, her running figure quickly disappeared out of the sight as Niji's face became blank for a second before erupting into a shade of red because of anger.

When he said he wanted to see her face and know her name, he didn't expect she'll actually tricked him and, once again, leave him out of the blue after doing something unexpected.

That damn wimpy vampire has god damn guts! I swear I'll shear her skin out of anger one day!

ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ʟᴏᴠᴇ // ᴏɴᴇ ᴘɪᴇᴄᴇNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ