Chapter 4

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Hey before you read I just wanted to say tysm for reading up to here. I try my best to make a perfect book because I've always wante to be a writer since I was young. Please please please vote fan & comment your feelings. Thankss read now please(:


---Samantha's POV---

I woke up & had a massive headache but I knew I had to get back to school. I looked at the time which was saying 6:45. Oh gosh. I stripped myself naked and jumped into the shower not bothering to wash my hair. I hurried right back out & brushed my teeth really quick & went into my room. I picked out a green shirt that had a bunch of graffiti on it with red bubble letters and dark black skinny jeans. My bra & underwear aswell. I brushed my hair not bothering to straightend it & put it in a bun. I put a headband on & eyeliner & lipgloss. I put white sneakers on with socks ofcourse. I didn't bother with a compliment this morning. Perfume cream & deodorant. I ran downstairs & saw the table. Blank. No food. No mum,no luke.I remembered what Mr. Oprey said:

"Sorry don't cut it! Second warning!"

"Luke! Luke! Luke !!" I hollered waiting for him.

He came downstairs in his pajamas.

"It's 4:30 a.m. Go to sleep!"

Who could've changed my alarm? Luke went into the bathroom so I rushed into his room. He mightve done this!

I looked threw all his stuff. I finally checked under his pillow. A note from Sarah?! I read it to myself. I put the note back on went downstairs. Cereal it is! I got cinnamon toast crunch & some milk & a spoon out with a bowl ofcourse. I made cereal and went to go watch replays of gossip girl. After about 2 episodes, It was 6:45. I waited for Luke.

"Luke! Luke!" I yelled.

He came rushing down the stairs and we exited the house. We got our bikes from our yard and went off to school.

I ran right into the school and went the path to my classroom not bothering to lock up my bike. I unpacked quick and sat down.

"Liousior your not so late! Good Job!"

I felt proud of myself and had a bad headache. I got out of my seat to ask to use the bathroom. Suddenly the room felt dizzy & I saw black dots dance around my eyes......

I woke up in a strange room. Not knowing where I was. I got up from the bed I was lying in. I walked to the door & opened it. On the other side of the door it said:

Nurse's Sleeping Room.

Then I heard my moms name said and I looked there. It was the nurse she was talking to My mum. I saw the nurse after hanging up the phone come over here.

"Hey,hun. How ya feeling?" she said with a australian accent.

"A bit dizzy but a massive headache."

I replied.

She went into the other room & got some medication for my head.

"Thanks can I go back to class?" I asked.

"School finishes in about 1 minute but go pack your stuff."

I ran downstairs & went into my classroom. I packed up my bags& saw Josh. He smiled at me. He walked me outta school and to the door. I look outside & Luke's bike is not there meaning he ditched me for that.... Lets leave it at that. My bike wasn't there.


"You okay?"

"My bike!"

"Need a ride?"

"Sure. What the heck."

Josh opened the car door for me and led me into the passenger seat. I put on my seatbelt and watched as he drove . I gave him multiple directions & i bet he felt like I was a talking toy.

"We're here!"

"Okay. Finally!"

"Thanks for the ride josh."


I unbuckled my seat belt and he looked at me. We stared into each others eyes & he put my hair behind my ear and held my face ,then we kissed. It was amazing. It may have lasted 5 secs but it was worth it.

"Bye,Josh." I said with a smile.

I got out the car and walked into my house. I bit my lip letting what just happen repeat in my head over and over again.


Author's Note: Sorry it took me long to update but I've been really busy. So how'd you guys like this one? Don't be afraid to comment your feelings ;)

xoxo -Madeline

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