Chapter 1

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---Samantha's POV---

Hey! I just moved to Shenandoah,Pennsylvania. A very rural place. Its kind of weird being in a rural place. I use to live in Chicago! Its so awesome over there ,but then I just moved over here.

So right now it's 5:00am and I am getting ready for school. I love school because I get straight A's. I've always planned on going to Brown but that's a different story. I take off my pajamas and jump into MY bathroom shower. Yes I have my own because I hate sharing.

Right now I am in the shower. It's so warm. I love warm water. Not to hot and not to cold. After 10 minutes, I jump out the shower and brush my teeth.  What kind of tooth paste do you use? I  use Colgate Total. Have you seen them in the commercials? They're really minty.

I go to my room and into my closet. What to wear..What to wear..

I grab a purple-collared shirt with some jeans. I put out my undies  and my bra.  I grab some socks as well. I put on my cream,perfume,and deodorant. Then I put on my clothes.

I fixed my hair. I don't like it curly  because if you are running outside it will just get poofier and trust me poofy is not a good look. Especially on me. I look at my tanned skin,brown eyes, and my hair.  I straighten and blow dry it. I can't believe it's so beautiful and long. I put on my eyeliner,blush, and lip gloss.. Like normally. Then I put on my cute glasses. They're purple-framed. If you haven't noticed I LOVE purple. Seriously, my whole room is purple. I don't want to babble on and on about it. I have a tendency of doing that. I put my white sneakers on.  I also put my watch on it's 6:35. Just enough time to eat. I put my hand sanitizer on and walk downstairs..

"Samantha, is that you darling?" I hear my mum say as I walk downstairs.

"Yes mother."I reply confirming.

Right now my mum is cooking my favorite breakfast. Eggs, bacon, and waffles with a chocolate shake. Right when I sit down on the wooden table's chair--my brother--Luke comes rushing downstairs.

Luke is dressed in a blue shirt and a pair of ripped jeans. His hair is like ' the old Justin bieber .' I bet he didn't brush it.

"Morning  Lucas." Mom says as Luke sits at the table. Mum pours Luke some juice and gives him scrambled eggs.

"Do you really have to eat leftover breakfast form yesterday?" I ask Luke.

"Do you really have to pretend you're all that but look like a monkey everyday?" Luke replys.

"Shut the heck up you stupid piece of trash!" I scream at Luke

He makes a mocking face then mum looks at us with the shut up face.

When mum finishes making my food she serves it on my 'Purple Cudet' plate and  pours my chocolate shake into my "Purple Kitty" cup. Yes, I said it a million times. I love purple.

I checked my watch again it was 6:45  so I gorged down at my food. Yum yum yum. I finished and put hand sanitizer on my hands again and went upstairs.

I went into my room got my books, folders,and crap then pack it up.  I opened the window to see the temperature. It was warm. I got a small jacket & put it on. Guess what ? It was purple. I put on my stuff and walked downstairs.

"Luke , I am ready to go." I say impatiently glancing at my watch once in a while.

"Sam, just wait. It's called patience!" He said which made me irritated.

I mocked him witht he same ugly face he gave me.

I walked outside and looked around. We live on a hill. I got out my "Purple Wheeled Monster" bike, yes I named my bike. I waited for Luke to get out his bike, like usual. 

He got on his ugly green bike and zoomed down the hill. We knew exactly where to go because mom told us. I made a song about it wanna hear?

Go left 

Go right 

Then theres a light 

Go green  

Go mean 

Go slean down the hill. 

Take a left 

Take a right  


I mumbled the song all the way there.

"Will you shut your pie home Sam!?" 

Luke yelled when we got there.

"No, you hog." I said smiling.

"See ya." I said after 'parking' my bike.

I walk in and look for the office, after passing a bunch of different people, I still couldn't find it.

"You lost?" a random boy I have no idea says.

I feel confused and scared but I make out an answer.


"Take a left & a right. Right down the hall."


I run off not bothering to get his name. He was cute but I am here for grades not for boys. I walk in to get my schedule. The name tags were "Meg & Silvia"

"Umm. Hi Meg , I was just wondering about my schedule for Mr.O'Prey's Class? My name is Samantha Liousior."

"Yea,yea, here you go." She says with a smile.

I take it and walk around lost. I keep walking and walking. Right when I was about to say something, I hear conversation going on.

"April,April. Tom told me what you did. So know I am gonna punish you. So be gone." she says with a mean voice.

I turn around running and she caught me at my tracks.

"It's not good to eavesdrop Samantha."

I turn around to see who said it. It was a girl my size with blond hair and dark red lips.

"Sorry. How do you know my name?"

"I know everything. And that's your first warning." she says & walks away.


I turn around and walk around. I finally find a classroom. Oh boy oh boy it was Mr.O'Preys. I walked in. I put my stuff down & the bell rang.

"You're late."

"I just came in and--."


"I was los--."

"Shut it and unpack!" Mr. O'Prey said interrupting me.

I unpacked myself and there was a person next to me. She had dirty blond hair & blue eyes. She was really pretty.Not pretty bur gorgeous. Right next to me was also the boy from this morning. After I unpack myself I put my backpack away and find a seat to sit. I look around and the boy from this morning waves to sit by him. I suck up my nervousness and sat by him.

"I never caught your name, you ran off."The boy whispers.

"Samantha." I whisper back.


I smiled. Josh. Josh with brown hair ,dimples and green eyes. I know I can't love because I worry about school too much, but I think I just found my crush.


Author's Note: So how did you think of it. I am not uploading today because it's 12am & i am tired. So goodnight & I hope you read tomorrow (: Comment. Vote. Fan.

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