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Killian and Elsa walk into Gold's shop to see him working a trinket on the front counter.

Gold stopped working on the trinket, "I must apologise, but I'm really rather busy today," He said.

Killian walked to the counter, "And here I was hoping for a warm hello from the newly-reformed Mr Gold," Killian said in a non-friendly tone.

Gold looked at him, "This is still a place of business. So, unless you have something to offer me, I'm afraid I can be of no further help," Gold told him.

"Well, as it turns out, I do have something to offer you," Killian said and it gained Gold's interest slight, "My silence," Killian added and Gold gave him his full attention, "See... I know that that the dagger you gave Belle was a fake," Killian said.

"Is that right?" Gold said, like he was trying to challenge him.

"Mhm, I've hunted you for a long time, my old crocodile and I know you better than most and I know that you would never let anyone have power over you. Not even Belle," Killian said.

"And you expect her to believe you without a shred of proof?" Gold asked.

"Well, I could ask her to summon you with the dagger and then, when it doesn't work... Proof," Killian said.

"That's a very dangerous insinuation," Gold said.

"So, do we have a deal?" Killian asked him.

"I do hope Brooklyn's worth it," Gold said.

Killian smiled, showing that she is worth it and he turned his attention to Elsa, "Good news, he's agreed to help," Killian said.

Elsa walked towards Gold, she held out her hand to show a strand of hair, "This hair is from Marian, someone cast a freezing curse on her. We need to know who it is," Elsa said.

Gold took the hair and placed it in his open palm, "Well... You're in luck. Magic can change forms, but never be destroyed, we'll simply return it to it's natural state," Gold said and waved his other hand over the hair and they watched as the hair returned to its natural state.

"Snowflakes," Elsa said, a look of relief to see that she isn't the only one with her powers.

"Magic similar to yours, dearie, though not quite the same. Much like a snowflake, each person's magic is unique," Gold explained.

"Poetic, how does that help us?" Killian asked him.

"Well, magic seeks out like-magic, so if I set this free," Gold said and blew the snowflakes into the air, "It should find its way home, back to the person who cast it," Gold said then the snowflakes began to head for the shop door.

Meanwhile, Will had taken Emma, Brooke and David to Any Given Sundae. Emma and Brooke were peering through the door as David looked through the window.

Emma turned to Will, "I don't know, looks pretty normal to me," Emma said.

"It was bleeding cold in there, I'm telling you," Will said.

"Because they sell ice cream," Emma said.

"During the blackout," Will said.

"Says the guy who's trying to avoid jail," Brooke said.

"I may be a thief, but I'm no liar and I can bloody well prove it," Will said as he moved to the door, knelt down and tried to use a paperclip to unlock the door.

"Really? You think breaking in again is going to help your case?" David asked him.

"Can you just be quiet for a second, mate? I'm just trying to do this. Takes concentration, bit tricky, it's all about..." Will began saying.

Storybrooke Is Frozen [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #4 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now