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A few days later, Emma, Killian, Brooke and Elsa were standing in Mr Gold's shop with Gold and Belle standing in front of them. They had come in, in hopes that Gold might have answers as to why the urn that Elsa was in, was in his vault.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I've never seen her before in my life," Gold said.

"So how'd she end up inside thee urn that was inside your secret vault of terror?" Emma asked.

"Look, if you really want to know how she wound up there, she's standing right beside your sister, Miss Swan. Why don't you simply ask her?" Gold asked.

"We did," Brooke said.

"I can't remember, something happened to my memories," Elsa told him.

"Well, an all-too-common affliction around these parts. Pity, but as you can see, many object fall into my possession... Urns, necklaces, all manner of things. I can't know the history behind all of them," Gold said.

"Only if there's something in it for you. Right, mate?" Killian interrupted him, not buying the information, Gold just told them.

"Yeah, well, that may have been true once, but recently my life has been...Turned upside down, I've lost my son, I'e gained a wife. So you might say... I've decided to turn over a new leaf," Gold told them.

"Don't forget about my superpower, I'll be able to tell if you're lying," Emma reminded him.

"How about I do you one better? Let's simply have Belle use the dagger on me," Gold said.

Belle looked shocked at Gold's suggestion and stepped forward, taking hold of his hand, "No, no, Rumple, you don't... You don't have to do that," Belle stammered.

Gold shook his head, "No, no, no, Miss Swan, wants proof and I'm happy to cooperate," Gold insisted as he trying to prove that he was innocent in the situation.

Belle sighed, "Fine," She said and pulled the dagger out of her bag, she raised the dagger as she face him, "I command you, Dark One, To tell them the truth."

"The truth is..." Gold paused momentarily, "Just as I said, I have no idea there was someone inside that urn. I know about Elsa, or her sister, but I wish you the best of luck finding her," Gold said.


Later that day, Emma got a call from David about Marian passing out during a meeting andthat she was beginning to freeze over. Regina was trying to stop whatever was happening to Marian.

Emma and Brooke walked into the room with Killian and Elsa behind them, "What happened?" Emma asked.

Regina looked up, "Perhaps you should ask you new friend. after all, it was her monster that attacked Marian," Regina said.

"Well, to be fair, we did provoke the beast," Killian said.

Elsa looked at Marian, "But this isn't my magic, someone else did this," Elsa said.

"Oh and we're supposed to trust you?" Regina asked her.

"You can trust us, if she says it was else, then it was," Brooke said.

"So, how do we break the spell?" Henry asked.

"The only way to cure a freezing spell is an act of true love," Elsa told them.

Regina's face dropped in sadness, "True love's kiss," She said.

Robin nodded, "Well, then there's no time to lose," He said moving towards Marian, before leaning down and kissing her. After a few moments, he pulled back and saw that it didn't work, "What's wrong? Why isn't it working?" Robin asked.

Storybrooke Is Frozen [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #4 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now