Chapter 2

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I walk into my room to see Ian doing push-ups next to his bed. I drop onto my bed across from him, "So where you been." he says looking up at me. "I may or may not have been at the Milkovich house hanging with Mandy," I say nonchalantly sitting back against the wall smiling. " No fucking way." Ian started  "Did you guys..." "Yup" I said with a smile. " Did you or did she..." he left the blank for me to fill. "Me," I replied while getting comfortable on my bed.

"Lex does this mean that you and Mandy are like together or just fucking." He then asked sitting up. Oh my fucking God, I don't fucking know. I mean, of course, I would but I don't know about her and if I ask her I'm afraid she will runoff. "Shit," I said, running my hand through my hair. " Hey, chill out. I mean is she even gay," he asks me. " No, she made that very clear.," I say now, nervous that my actual confession of my feelings meant nothing to her. " Oh my god, you're actually fucking a straight girl," he says laughing at my misery. "Fuck you, you're one to talk." hinting towards Mickey.  Lip then walks into the, " What happened here.". "Lex is doing  Mandy." Ian states "Milkovich?" he asked, stunned. I just nodded my head looking down. "Mandy's Gay?" he asks, still looking down. I shake my head. "Oh wow," he says now laughing with Ian. "Both of you can just fuck off, alright," I say to them. Still laughing at me while I try I walk out of the room into the bathroom.

"Hey, Kev, and I finally fixed the ice cream truck, you guys want in for tomorrow at the park." he asked, pulling out the joint he made and lighting it." Can't have community service for my west point application." Ian replies, continuing his training. Lip then turns to me "Yeah, I'll swing by later to help." I say grabbing the stick from his hand and taking a hit. "Cool, we'll be in the park all day." He replies, taking it back. 


Mandy, Ian and I walk to the release area to see Mickey out. "Here he comes," Mandy says as we all see Mickey walk out the doors and down the steps. "You guys didn't have to come with." She continues. " Bad neighborhood." he quickly responds. I laugh at his excuse which causes him to punch me in the shoulder. " We live in a bad neighborhood." She presses "But we're related to the bad people in our neighborhood." I say trying to help Ian's excuse to just see Mickey more believable. "The hell's he doing here." Mickey questions walking over to us. "Thought I needed protection," she says now just going along with it. "Oh yeah, you may think you know my sister. But you don't know my sister till you've fought my sister." he says as he hugs Mandy and soon they start roughhousing with each other." Hey! Fuck you, fuck you and especially fuck you." he says to the officers. I laugh at him and he turns to me. 

" No way! It's the kid!" Mickey says as he puts his arm around me, then allowing me to jump on his back. " Are you still doing target practice?" He questions "Same spot, every week. Learned how to shoot around the bottle." I respond laughing make finger guns, " No shit, alright we'll swing by later, see how good your shot is" we start to walk back from the detention center but Mandy then asks " When did you two get so close?" "I've been teaching this one how to shoot a gun, can't hurt to know living in this dump." Mickey answers. "Yeah, Mick even gave me my first gun." I point out. "You have a gun?! Like in the house? Where is it?" Ian asks, shocked "Not telling?" I said mocking him as we continued walking down the street.


I walked beside Mandy on our way to the park-like promised from the night before. " Ian still set on going to West point and Lip's a genius so he could literally do anything he wanted," I said to her, taking out two beers and giving one to Mandy. "Yeah, that's great for both of them. You know what you're gonna do to get out of this shithole?" she says opening her can, we move to lean our back against the fence that surrounds the perimeter of the park.

"That's the thing, I don't know what the fuck I'm gonna do, maybe I follow Ian but instead of that West Point shit, I just fucking enlist." I say taking a swig of my beer. "What about you, you can't possibly want to stay here." She looks down "No, I don't want to stay here but this is the best it's gonna get for me." she says now looking away from me. I pull her chin to make her look me in my eyes. " No, it's not, I don't know why you think it is because it's not," I say honestly. "Yes, the fuck it is," she said, removing my hand and looking straight ahead. "What if we left together," I say taking her hand and standing in front of her. "What you want me to do to enlist in the army with you," she says laughing like it was the strategist thing on the planet. "Once I finish basic, why don't you move in with me?" I say moving my face closer to hers." Don't the only people who live with soldiers are their spouses?" she questions. I just look at her hoping she gets it. " You want me to marry you? We're not even dating," she says, shocked. I put my head in her neck and started to kiss it, "If by the time I'm eighteen and you don't have a way out then yeah. I wanna marry you" I start taking off her shirt. " I don't like the idea of you staying here."

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