XXXXVI- Trust Me.

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Mid-November- Two Weeks Into The Tour

"Hey babyyy.", August says answering the phone and smiling. "Hi.", Kennedy says with a mean look on her face and folding her arms. "What's wrong with you?", he asks raising his eyebrow. "You really thought I wasn't gonna find out?", she asks tilting her head. "Find out what exactly?", he asks. "You playing dumb isn't helping your case, August.", she says putting her hands on her waist. "I'm not playing dumb, I really don't know what you're talking about.", he says.

"Who were the bitches on ya bus last night August?", she asks folding her arms again. "What bitches?", he asks as she picks up her phone and sends him screenshots of posts made by TMZ. "Look at our message thread.", she says sitting her phone back down as he puts her on pause and goes to their thread.

"What I'm about to say is about to sound dumb, but I had nothing to do with that.", August says going back into the call. "August, how dumb do you think I am?", Kennedy asks tilting her head.

"I don't think you're dumb at all babe, but you have to believe me when I say I don't know what's happening there.", August says. "So let me get this straight. It's your bus, there's bitches coming on and off of YOUR bus, and you don't know what was going on?", Kennedy says raising her eyebrow. "Well, when you put it like that.. yes", he says in a high-pitched tone. "So you really don't know?", she asks.

"No, I really don't.", he says. "So you just let ya boys do whatever on your tour bus without your knowledge is what I'm hearing.", she scoffs. "Look, I know it looks bad, but I had nothing to do with that nor was I even on the bus when whatever they were doing was going down. I was actually in my hotel room the whole night, even after I got off the phone with you.", he says.

"Okay.", Kennedy says still looking mad. "Look, all I'm asking is that you trust me. I would never do anything to jeopardize our relationship and you know that.", August says. "I do trust you, and of course I know that.", she sighs. "Okay then, I'm gonna deal with them later cause they done made my baby mad at me for no reason.", he says rolling his eyes. "Yeah, but now you're mad.", she chuckles.

"As I should be, plus you know you're enjoying the view of this right now.", he says looking at her and smiling. "I might be.", she says tucking her hair behind her ear. "Just nasty.", he says shaking his head. "We've been apart for two weeks, you ain't seen nasty yet.", she says sucking in her lips and looking away.

"You gone pop a titty fa me?", August asks biting his lip. "I'll do a lot more than just that, I just can't right now.", Kennedy says looking at him. "I forgot that you're at work, whoops.", he says. "Nah it's fine, I have my airpods in.", she says turning her head to show it then looks at him again. "Well in that case.. You gone show me a lil sum later?", he asks. "Maybeeee.", she says smiling making him do the same.

"Yo Aug we gotta bounce.", T says behind the door. "Aight I'm coming, I gotta go baby.", he says standing up. "Okay, I love you daddy.", she says lowly. "I love you more, I'll call you later.", he says hanging up.

"Yo, we got a prollem.", August says stepping on the bus behind T as everyone stops what they're doing. "Wassup?", August's entourage ask in unison. "Don't bring no more bitches on this bus, y'all asses ended up on TMZ and my girl saw that shit. Had her questioning my loyalty and I don't like that, either utilize the hotel room or do what y'all do in the club. Do not bring anyone on this bus.", he says walking to the back.

Later with Kennedy

"I think I'm in love.", Angel says walking in the house and sitting on the couch. "You think you're what?", Kennedy asks as she quickly closes the door and runs to sit next to her. "Not really, but damn this man is really something.", she says laying down and putting her legs on top of Kennedy's. "What's going on?", she asks smiling.

"He is literally everything I've ever wanted in a man. He's sweet, respectful, honest, and that mans body is a temple and I want all up in it!", she yells snapping making Ken laugh. "Bitch.. You better ride the brakes off that nigga.", she says smiling. "Oh trust me, I will.", she says winking, "But what you doing over here?", she asks.

"Girl just sitting up here in this big ass house, watching tv, eating, and chillin with my son. That's basically all I do until Aug calls me before or after his shows.", Kennedy shrugs. "Awnnn babe, I know you miss him.", Angel says. "Like hell, but he's coming back next week for Thanksgiving. It's gonna be you, Elijah, Bryson, Aug, me, and the girls. Oh and little Gypsy.", she says picking him up and smiling.

"I can't wait to come over so we can cook together. We throws down in the kitchen.", she says smiling. "And do.", she says snapping on each word.


"Byeeee, remember what I told you!", Kennedy says as she starts to pretend she's riding. "I got you baby!", Angel says laughing and getting in her car. "What you talking bout?", August asks on the phone. "I was telling her some thangsss.", she says watching her drive off then going back in the house.

"Mhm, have you eaten?", he asks. "Yeah I got some Rally's about an hour or so ago. Have you?", she asks. "Yeah, I just got done eating some Popeye's.", he says. "You sure do love ya Popeye's huh?", she asks smiling. "You know I do.", he says.

"I can't wait until I come home next week, even if it's just for three days.", August says smiling. "I can't wait either, it's our first Thanksgiving together.", Kennedy says smiling. "I know, I'm really excited for that. First holiday together, we really made it this far.", he says looking at her. "Yeah, we did, huh?", she asks doing a thinking face making him smile.

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