XVI- Us vs. The World II.

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Tuesday 11:30 AM

"Is there something wrong with somebody down there? Cause there is no reason for all three of y'all to be calling me.", Kennedy says. "Unlike our stupid ass brother and overbearing mother, I actually wanted to tell you congratulations on the new relationship. I never liked Peyton, so I just wanted to tell you that I'm happy for you.", Kennedy's younger brother Bryson says. "Oh, thank you.", she says.

Bryson Banks, Kennedy's Younger Brother

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Bryson Banks, Kennedy's Younger Brother

Bryson is my little brother, he's the only person in my family who I have any tolerance for. We were actually pretty close before I left. We don't talk much simply because of the fact that I don't live in Atlanta anymore. If I were to go back for any reason at all, it'd be just for him. I don't have any resent towards Bry because he was only 14 (he's 18 now) when I left, he barely understood the whole reasoning behind me leaving. He just knew that his big sister was doing hair in California.

"How have you been?", Bryson asks. "I've been good, how's school going? You're about to graduate right?", Kennedy asks. "School's going pretty good, and yeah. You gonna come down to see me walk?", he asks. "When is your graduation?", she asks. "June 15th.", he says. "Yeah, I'll come down there and see you walk. Do I have to buy a ticket for it? I can just send you the money for it.", she says.

"Nah, I got you Ken.", he says. "I'll pay for it if I have to, I don't want you spending money that you don't have to spend.", she says. "You're my sister, I got you.", he says. "Awn, thanks Bry. I gotta go though, I'm about to open up. I love you.", she says. "I love you too.", he says.

"Ken!", Angel yells walking in. "Okay you're seriously gonna have to stop yelling when you come in here.", Kennedy says. "I'm sorry, but did you see what August posted?", she asks. "Um.. no? I haven't been on my phone since I got off the phone with Bry. What he post?", she asks as Angel hands Kennedy her phone.

"As many of you may have seen Monday morning, I was seen with this girl on Sunday night. She's not a random groupie, she's my girl.", Kennedy reads aloud then stops. "I'm shocked, first and foremost. Telling that I'm the first girl who he's ever posted. Let me read the rest of this though. If you've been keeping up with me, you know that I'm a very transparent person, but when it comes to my relations, I really don't think it's anyone's business. Although, thank to the blogs, it's officially become everyone's business. I was kind of hoping I had her to myself a little longer, but I don't mind showing her off. So world, this is my girlfriend Ms. Kennedy Banks.❤️", she finishes reading and handing Angel's phone back to her.

"I'm literally fucking speechless. I don't know what to say.", Kennedy says smiling and covering her face. "What did you do to him? You have him posting you.", Angel says with an emphasis on "posting". "I didn't do anything except make him happy, I wasn't even expecting him to do this.", she says chuckling.

"Hey baby.", August says walking in the salon. "Uh.. Hi? What are you doing here?", Kennedy asks shocked. "I thought I'd come see my girlfriend, but if you want me to leave..", he says walking back towards the door, but he's pulled back by her.

"No, hey. I'm just a little surprised to see you, you know.. out", she says. "Why?", he asks sitting down in her chair. "I don't know, maybe because you just dropped the bomb about our relationship?", she says. "Okay? Life goes on.", he says making Ken pull one of these:

"Okay we're gonna talk about this later when we're not in front of a bunch of people, speaking of which

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"Okay we're gonna talk about this later when we're not in front of a bunch of people, speaking of which..", she says moving over to the side when a fan walks towards August.

"Hey, I really love your music and I was hoping I could get a picture with you?", the woman asks. "Of course. Ken can you take the picture please?", he asks standing up. "Sure.", she says taking the woman's phone.

When Ken Closes Up

"Don't get me wrong, I am very.. very happy that you confirmed our relationship to the world. The thing is, I didn't know you were going to.", Kennedy says locking the door then leaning against it. "Would you have stopped me if I told you before hand?", August asks.

"I definitely would've questioned it telling by the simple fact that you've never posted a girl before, but stopped you? Of course not.", she said. "So what's the big deal?", he asks. "I just told you, were you not listening?", she asks. "Yes, I was. Do you want me to delete the post Kennedy?", he asks.

"No, why would I ask you to do that? I'm just saying, it would've been nice to know before that you were gonna introduce me to the world. That's all I'm saying.", Kennedy says. "Okay.", August says. "Okay? That's it?", she asks. "Yeah, I'll see you later.", he says walking to his car.

"Are you seriously mad at me right now?", she asks following him. "No, I'm not.", he says looking at her. "The way you're looking at me and the tone in your voice really says otherwise.", she says looking at him. "I'm fine baby, I promise. I'll call you later.", he says cupping her face and kissing her.

I'm not mad at Ken. I'm just not used to this relationship shit, you know? I posted her kinda as a surprise for her. I wasn't really expecting her to take it like that, but telling that it was the first time I posted her especially after yesterday's blow up, I should've told her before hand. I was just really excited about telling the world who my girl was, I was acting on impulse.

I really hope Aug isn't mad at me, I just wasn't expecting him to drop the bomb like that. I just wanted to know before he did that, like hello I'm apart of this relationship too. Like I said, I just would've questioned it, but overall I wouldn't have really cared. I'm just gonna have to get used to this "dating a celebrity" thing and that a lot of people know who I am now.

- What do y'all think about Bryson? Also, what do you think about August's post?

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