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Harry's POV

We got off the train and went our separate ways. Fred and George went one way and I went with the rest of the first years where Hagrid led us to a boat so we could get across the lake to the school. From there he led us inside to wait for a professor that would lead us in to get sorted into one of 4 houses. Everyone was radiating excitement and nervousness. They all talked about the sorting. Some were being quite rude while talking. Nobody seemed to like Slytherin at all. They made Slytherin out to be mean and stuck up. I hope they aren't all like Dudley.

"Hey, my name's Ron." I turned to look and there was another red head, "Fred and George are my brothers."

"Oh," I didn't know how to respond. What are you supposed to say here? Just then a girl with unruly hair pushed past Ron.

"My name's Hermione Granger. It's nice to see there might be another student with a brain around." She declared. "Ron seems to be lacking a bit in that department."

"Oh umm... my name's Harry. Harry Potter." I said wondering if I should offer my hand. Do wizards even do handshakes?

"Harry Potter, as in the boy who lived?" Ron all but shouted drawing the attention of the other students. "Do you really have the scar?"

"Yeah I guess," I said, trying to become invisible in the crowd again. Attention brings trouble.

"I'll bet you're a Gryffindor," Hermione spoke, "I hope I get Ravenclaw."

The doors to the great hall opened and an older woman wearing green robes walked out.

"If I could have your attention,"she paused, "in just a moment I will lead you inside to be sorted. After you are sorted into one of the 4 houses, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Gryffindor, and Hufflepuff, you will sit with your house and the headmaster will speak. Now lineup in alphabetical order."

Everyone obeyed and began sorting themselves; there weren't many people with a last name that started with P. There was another first year her name was Pants Parkinson or something. She wasn't very nice. More rude than anything. I could vaguely see Hermione up front. But what caught my eye was striking blond hair a few people ahead of me.

We were led into the great hall up to the front of the room. There was an old looking hat that sat on a stool. If you looked closely it almost seemed like that hat had a face. Just then the hat burst into a song. Talking about how it was the sorting hat and it will look into our heads to place us in a house. I stared stunned as it finished. A voice shook me out of it.

"First years," the same professor that led us in began, "this is the sorting hat I will call your name and you will sit in the stool, the hat will be placed on your head and determine your house."

She started calling up names one at a time. The Granger girl was put into Gryffindor and the boy with blond hair was a Slytherin.

"Harry Potter" right after my name was called the hall burst into murmurs. Oh gosh they are all going to be disappointed.

I walked up and sat on the stool and the hat went on my head.

"Another Potter? Let's see... you could do great things in Slytherin, maybe even Gryffindor. You're a powerful wizard you know. Oh, what's this? Fear? This isn't good. No, I think you need to heal." The hat said this into my head. I started to get nervous as the hat went over the two houses. They both seemed okay but they seem big. I just want to disappear. The hat opens its mouth, "HUFFLEPUFF!"

All around the hall were gasps. No one expected that. Honestly neither did I. But I'm not upset. The Hufflepuff table erupted in applause. I couldn't stop the smile from forming. As I got closer I could hear the whispers of others. The hufflepuffs seemed nice. They were gentle and welcoming. I searched the hall for the twins I met earlier. You would think it was easy. They were tall and had striking red hair. In the end I didn't see them. Which was disappointing. I focused my attention back to the front of the room. The Headmaster, that I now know as Dumbledore, was talking about the upcoming year and more.

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