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Severus's POV

I can understand why he walked Harry back. I would be cautious too. And it's been weeks with no results. And Harry, he must be mad. Pissed even. These gryffindors pushing Blaises buttons aren't helping either. Which fucking idiot said that? Doesn't matter. Actually it matters a lot. It's bullying. Both of them are being Bullied and Dumbledore, the old coot, is telling us not to interfere.

But he preaches house unity. Fuckin' bullshit. Harry and Blaise are basically being shunned! And he's not doing anything. No one is. This is absolutely crazy. And Minerva. Ugh. She should be disciplining her gryffindors. But is she? No! Meanwhile, Pomona and I have been hounding, basically breathing down our houses necks like rapid animals.

Taking a deep breath I looked over my class. Dirty looks were being shot at Blaise with fire. But it didn't look like he was all that bothered. Just a little lost. I wonder what a kid could be so lost in.

I feel a little bad for yelling at him. But I have to act that way. If I didn't Albus would be even more suspicious. But that's fucking bullshit. I shouldn't have to act like a prick. BUT since I can why not make the most of it and fuck with the gryffindors too.

Sitting at my desk I watched Blaise work. I was reminded of what he said when he came in. "Who's the real snake here? Us or the lions who ate the badger?" He was talking about what had happened to Harry. Speaking nothing but the facts. Not sure if he should've said anything though. But these kids won't think- Let me stop right there. These kids would throw their "friend'' under the bus just because they speak a different language.

Thinking about it more. There were two voices. And when he spoke to me a few minutes ago. That wasn't what he usually sounded like. I've never come across someone with a split personality but I'm sure they wouldn't sound different. And if they did it wouldn't be THAT different.

I watched as he worked. He was way more gentle than usual. Usually he was more aggressive and passive. He would grab the ingredients so hard I thought they'd break. But now, he did it with ease and grace. When it was time to stir the potion he would usually count the stirs aloud or with his hands. That would sometimes irk my nerves. I won't lie. But it keeps him from messing up.

Now he did neither of those things. He stirred silently. No hand motions either. A split personality would have different mannerisms than the person, right? If thats right then maybe I could be right.

Last time I spoke with him he said he would find answers. And he said he'd tell me when he got them. I wonder if he actually has them. And who are his sources? Sighing, I continued to watch over the class. Stopping some dumbass gryffindors from somehow blowing up the room. How do you botch a forgetfulness potion? There are literally only three ingredients! And the steps are easy!

I made sure the slytherins could at least identify different ingredients. That way they didn't blow up a hundreds year old castle. I just want to know how these kids are so incompetent. I sighed even louder than before. I could feel a headache creeping up on me. This is gonna be a long day.

As class ended and the kids started picking up I headed over to Blaise. I want to talk to him. And see how things have been since he's been borderlined shunned. By everyone. Even his own house.

"Mr. Zabini, would you please meet me here before dinner?" He could decline if he really didn't want to go but the look he shot my way was mischievous as he accepted my invitation.

I watched as he left the room. How all the students cleared a path for him. Like he had a disease or something. I shook my head in disbelief, I don't know whose worse the marauders or the whole school against two people. The latter probably.

A short time later the next class came bumbling in. Since this was a group of some competent dunderheads I told them to make a love potion. I sat back at my desk and began losing track of my thoughts.

I wonder how this conversation will go. I wonder if I'm right. And if I am, what will I do? I would have to tell the boy's mother. Though wouldn't she already know? Or this could be a new development.

I heard how he threw some Ravenclaws across the train. Without his wand or even hand movement. They said his stare was as deadly as mine. Saying he did it for no reason. I find that to be hard to believe. So fierce.

From what I can see, Blaise and Harry only have each other. You mess with Harry or even insult his name Blaise will go off. And if you do both well that might result in being thrown across a train. With that being said they probably provoked them. He was definitely defending himself.

What does Albus say? Nothing. He does nothing. He tells us to do nothing. So the whole incident was swept under the rug. Or at least thats what the faculty believes. You can see it, and hear it around the school. No one, not one soul wants to be around either of them. And now it looks like Blaise is "attacking" people for "no reason".

The ignorance going around this school is enough to make me dizzy. Great, now I have to go all day with all these confusing ass thoughts. I bet Aizawa doesn't have to worry about too much. All he does is stay in the banana ass sleeping bag. He's truly living my dream. It's gonna be a long ass day. Especially if I have to stop another fucking explosion!

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