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Harry's POV

I'm awakened from a blissful sleep by my roommate, Sam, he was really nice and understanding. When I first got here, plagued by worries, more skittish, he was the only one I felt I could be myself around.

"Harry, come on mate it's time to go." He said lightly, shaking me awake.

I groan and turn over in my bed. I was talking with Professor way too long. Can't do that too often if this is the result

"Okay, okay, I'm getting up." Waving him off I get up and dress into day clothes.

Walking sluggishly out of the common room, we make our way to the great hall for breakfast. The hall as per usual was deafening. Mainly the Gryffindors yelling. This was not helping my growing headache. I just wanna go back to sleep. It's Sunday, why do we have to wake up so early? At least I don't have to try and make it through classes. As we walk the Hufflepuff table, I notice the great hall quiet down a bit and eyes follow me to my seat. As I sat down Murmurs broke out around the hall. I looked to Cedric seated across from me.

"Why are they all looking at me? Did I do something? Did something happen?" He shook his head quickly.

"No, not at all Harry." He let out a sigh as he continued "There was a troll in the dungeons last night. Professor Quirrell ran into the hall screaming about then collapsed. Nobody knows how it got in. That's when everyone truly noticed you and Snape weren't at dinner. Chaos then ensued ."

Another deep breath. "We were all ordered to go to our common rooms. Dumbledore tried to send the Slytherins back to the dungeons." He's interrupted by another upperclassman who I recognized as Rin Okumura. He had blue hair and tail. His tail started to dart back and forth with excitement as he continued on telling about last night.

"Sprout put up quite the fuss about that. She said and I quote "Come MY little snakes, we have to go to the common room where you'll be safe." She proceeded to give Dumbledore a look that could kill. And then led us both to the common room. There she told us to just hang out and wait."

Draco then approached the table. Another interruption. "You're telling him about last night?" He received a nod from us. "Well let me tell you, Blaise was a reck." I give him a confused look. Why was he a reck if you were safe? At my look, he continues. "He was worried sick when everyone saw you weren't in the common room or dorm. Almost went and searched for you. It took five Slytherins to get him to calm down. In the end, he ended up pacing a hole in the floor. Had it not been for the situation it would have been hilarious.

I looked at him like he had grown three heads. "Blaise worried about me? Don't make me laugh. He couldn't care less. Draco I thought you knew lying was bad." I gave him a pointed look at that. Seriously though why would he lie about such a thing? Though he could be telling the truth. But let's not get my hopes up. It never ends well.

Draco shook his head as he sat down. "I'm being serious Harry. He really was worried. Hell, we all were." He paused to think. Cedric, Sam, and Draco's face all contorted into one of confusion.

"Where were you last night?" They asked in unison. I was deeply hoping they didn't ask but it couldn't be helped. I was gone all night. I'm not sure if I should tell them. They would probably want to know why I was with him. I don't think I want to tell them. It's too personal. Maybe I'll tell them one day but not now. Besides they will probably worry if they realize that I was actually in the dungeons.

"It's personal, don't worry though I was safe and unharmed." They gave me a curious look but said nothing more on the matter. After that everyone went back to eating and holding light conversation amongst themselves.

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