The Old Batman

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Hiya peeps!

So, you guys remember Jasperoonius and the Terrible Twerking Tantrum... Right? It was kind of meant to be unforgettable. Anyways! We decided to do it again, but this time, instead of saying one word each, we did one sentence each.

If you're worried about reading on, it's okay. There is no twerking in this story. And come to think of it, there are actually no ducks. And if you're worried that a story without ducks isn't worth reading, it's okay, because ducks are overrated anyway.

And if you're wondering who wrote what, Kylie wrote the first sentence and Louise wrote the second. We would make it more clear by putting it in bold or something... But ain't nobody got time for that!

Here we go:

Once upon there was an old Batman. The old Batman became old by eating a stale block of cheese in one gulp. Old batman liked to eat marujuana drugs and pass out on his grandmother's porch. Young Batman, old Batman's son, disapproved of his father's behaviour but allowed him to ruin his life anyway for the sake of his goldfish who liked to eat potatoes to show off to his girlfriend. Old batman hated his son with a passion and regularly shoved his head in the toilet. Young Batman didn't mind at first because toilet water smelt minty but one time he almost drowned; that was the first sign that old Batman needed to go to rehab. Old batman went into rehab as a druggo and came out as a legend, he sold drugs to the other patients, even some of the workers! He thought he had some hardcore irresistible charms, but as it turns out, it was his cape that had the power of convincing people to buy illegal drugs. He came out worse off than he was before and became a drug dealer in Iceland. It was a miracle that he got through customs in the airport undetected considering he had a hand grenade in his possession and was intending to blow up the country. Unfortunately, he blew himself up when he pulled the pin. He didn't expect to die, even though he was standing right next to the grenade when it went off. The world was in shock:their favourite drug dealer was dead. Young Batman was even more upset, as there would no one left who would put his head in the toilet so he could smell the water. Young batman got so upset, he stopped giving his goldfish potatoes. Then the goldfish groaned in despair, for his girlfriend had moved onto bigger and better things than his non-existent potatoes.His goldfish wanted revenge. And his master plan to achieve his revenge involved a lot of marshmallows, a bowl of ice-cream - oh, and a rifle, just in case.He planned to set Young Batman on fire, and roast mashmallows over his flames, and if he didn't die, just like darthvader didn't, he planned to shoot him, just to be safe. The ice-cream was there just so he wasn't left with nothing if going Darth Vader style didn't work out. Yeah. This hilariously horrible story ends here, at this stupid cliffhanger that no one will find out the end of because it wasn't popular enough and it got itself cancelled.Yeah.


(P.S. Nah, it actually does kind of suck without ducks. Ah well, you already read it so the joke's on you! You're welcome).

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