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Taehyung rumbled around the waiting room, scouring through bags and boxes he found lying around, in search for a snack. He was not particularly hungry, just craving for something to eat; to munch on since he's slowly getting bored. They were currently at Music Bank. It's BTS's last week of promotions for Boy With Luv. They were all dressed up and ready, only waiting for their turn to take the stage.

Taehyung sighed, disappointed at not finding any food in the room. He now regretted not taking one of those snacks Seokjin had brought and generously distributed to the staffs and members earlier.

Giving up, he sat on the couch beside Jungkook who was casually mixing chocolate and vanilla ice cream together on a plate. Taehyung looked at him with a blank face, weirded out by the maknae's weirdness.

"That looks like a pigwash," Taehyung commented, pointing at Jungkook's plate with the mixture of chocolate and vanilla. The ice cream was gradually melting, resulting to a brownish color, like mud. And it only looked more horrible. "Yah. Stop torturing the poor ice cream."

"I'm experimenting," Jungkook said and continued combining the ice cream, doing a folding motion with his spoon.

"Don't you have any other snacks?" Taehyung asked. "Or any other ice cream?"

"No, only this one. Do you want to share?" Jungkook offered with a grin.

Taehyung shook his head. He was craving for food but there's no way he would eat that ice cream. He leaned his back on the couch, sighing. He didn't have a choice but to wait for their food deliveries, which will by the way take at least half an hour to arrive.

"Ah!" Taehyung exclaimed and quickly sat upright when he remembered something. He quickly grabbed and rummaged through his bag. His eyes glistened in delight, taking out a red box from the bag and placing it on his lap while carefully opening the lid.

"Choco pies?" Jungkook took a brief glance at the box.

"Yeah," Taehyung nodded, picking up choco pie, unwrapping it and instantly popped the whole thing in his mouth.

"The ones Dahyun gave?"

Taehyung chewed on the food and swallowed it down before answering, "No, I bought another box. They taste insanely good." He threw the wrapper in a nearby trash can, then took another one and unwrapped it as he mumbled, "No wonder why Dahyun's obsessed with these stuff."

"How do you know?" Jungkook asked.

"Oh, uh..." Taehyung paused, hardly swallowing the chocopie he chewed inside his mouth. "She told me that night on the roof garden when we talked. I told you about that, remember?" he answered, averting his gaze from Jungkook afterwards and rubbed his nose -- a thing he does whenever he lies.

"Okay," Jungkook simply nodded, buying his excuse, then took a spoonful of his ice cream, popping it in his mouth.

Dahyun did not mention about her love for chocolates, Taehyung found it out because he searched her up online. But he wasn't gonna tell Jungkook that. If he'd tell him, he knew that the evil maknae would shout it out to the world and the rest of BTS will just end up teasing him forever. He also didn't want them to know that he watched some of Dahyun's videos and actually browsed the net to know more information about her. They might think he's interested in her, which was totally not the case. No, he wasn't interested. He was just... curious -- or so he thought.

Despite being next-door neighbors, Dahyun and Taehyung don't see each other often as they were both busy with their own idol lives. There were rare moments where they'd cross paths at the hallway or at the lobby below the complex but would only smile and wave at each other as they're both always rushing to schedules.

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