22|| "Star Shopping"

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Octavia's guide to the hell that is the English language


(v.) reveal the true, objectionable nature of (someone or something)


Wait right here

I'll be back in the morning.


She hadn't said much. She hadn't ate much. She hadn't slept much. She didn't feel alive.

Octavia thought they had left things on good terms, hell she broke up with him by saying "I love you". But then things got fucked up, and she got pissed over the simple fact of being embarrassed by hooking up with her ex. She used to think she was so in control of her life that she created her own fantasies, now she had absolutely no control. And now it's more terrifying then ever.

No one talked to her. Not a call, text, DM. Not even a simple twitter mention.

She felt alone. And for the first time she thought she actually was.

Images from that night flooded her memory, and she cried into her pillow as she stopped compressing them.


Two nights ago...

She heard the group still stowed away in her home yelling as Joe was running out the door. Octavia didn't even bother to look up from Amelia's shoulder until Joe came storming back into the apartment. She heard commotion from the hallway, and then Joe standing on the living room floor, his fist shimmered with blood.

He really did deck him.

And as easily as she dismissed it before, taking the violence as jokes, she quickly became pissed when it became a reality.

She marched herself into her apartment, and said the most hurtful things a person can think of.

"So you think you can fight my battles now? I invite you into my life and all of sudden you think I need protecting?" She questioned him intensely.

"Tavi did you not see what he did? The dude's a douche I-"

"No, just shut up for a second. He's not worth it. You don't get to decide how to fix my problems. Marching out there and doing whatever you did to him solves nothing. It was an ignorant and selfish act. You have no right to criticize how other people act on impulse."

"Okay where the hell is this coming from? Are you defending him?"

"I'm not defending him, but I'm also not agreeing with you. God, Joseph. Stop feeling so entitled, you deserve nothing from me. You don't deserve to be the hero. You don't deserve to fix my mistakes. You say he's a douche like it doesn't take two to fight. Whatever you say about him, you say about me. I'd like you to leave now."

"Would you just listen to me! He had no right showing up here with her, rubbing it in your face like you're the one who lost. This behavior is ridiculous, you're not thinking right."

Leeway // Joe MazzelloWhere stories live. Discover now