30|| "Mozzarella Stick"

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Octavia's guide to the hell that is the English language


(n.) A formal statement admitting guilt to a crime, action, or belief.



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joe_mazzello: It's my party and I'll go into a debilitating emotional spiral if I want to.

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brianmayforreal: Happy birthday ! Lookin good Joe haha ! - Bri

username: This? Is so? Relatable?

lucyboynton1: Happy Birthday Joe 🎉

username: You don't look a day over 50 old man!!

via_leea: Don't party too hard Mr. Mazzello there's a cake with your name on it waiting for you


Cloud nine.

Octavia had been on cloud nine for the past 12 hours. Working her dream job with the most amazing people AND being given an opportunity to rehearse with Queen? She needed someone to pinch her because life was too good to be true. She had no evil exes and no evil ex-bestfriends to rain on her parade anymore. Besides, she just had the most refreshing sleep in her life and woke up to another rare sunny London morning. All she could think about was how free she felt. Free. That was the best way she could explain it.

Joe's birthday was not only planned for, but it was also reserved for at the restaurant and decorated for. She even had her dress picked out and hung on the hook attached to her bedroom door. Not only was she free, she was organized and that was a feat within itself. She didn't even forget to order and pick up his cake.

She did, however, still feel like she was missing something. She walked into her living room to see all of the streamers her and Gwil hung accompanied by many balloons. She opened the fridge to check on the white and chocolate frosted cake she bought. She even got over her anxiety of phone calls to call the restaurant just to check that her reservation was, in fact, made. Decorations, check. Cake, check. Dinner, check. Present...

Oh fuck.

She forgot to get him a present. How does one even manage to forgot the number one rule of birthdays: always bring a present or card. Leave it up to Octavia.

Leeway // Joe MazzelloWhere stories live. Discover now