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'Hi, I'm Kyle,' says the dark haired boy.
'Hi,' I whisper while I gaze at his beautiful eyes.
'Your name is...?'
I look away and feel terribly stupid. 'Coraline, but my friends call me Caro.'
'Cool name.'
'Thanks,' I mutter.
'So we're soulmates, I suppose.'
'Yeah.' His black hair looks fluffy and I have to fight the strong urge to pet him. The wind blows through his hair, making him shiver. 'I like your hair.'
'I like your hair too, I guess.' He looks uncomfortable.
'Sorry I don't talk that much, but I will when I'm comfortable around you.' I look him in the eyes again.
'Same here.'
As soon as those words leave his lips, I feel much more relieved. It feels like I can finally breathe again. 'I will be comfortable around you soon!' I say when I see his embarrassed look.
A shy smile appears on his face. 'Same here.' And then we both start to laugh; relieved and because of the awkwardness.

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