Seahawk can help me

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I fly down to see seahawk and I get ready to ask him how I will have sex with Micah

Seahawk is a ladies and men man he will know how I can seduce king daddy into my love

"Hey seahawk I need to talk to you" I say

"Ah yes swift wind what do you need to ask?" Seahawk asks

"There's a man...." I say

"Yes yes go on" Seahawk says

I feel blood rush up to my face and I look away

"There's a man I have a crush on and I don't know how to ask him out" I say

Seahawk gets all happy and I feel a little embarrassed

"I want to ask him out and how to have—" I say


"How do I have sex with him!?" I ask excitedly

Seahawk freezes and he looks at me and then nervously laughs and I nervously laugh along with him

"Uhhhh well ask him out and then take him from dinner and if things get uh....heated then you can try to" Seahawk says

"What is sex?" I ask

Seahawk looks at me confused

"You don't know what sex is? Like how to do it?" Seahawk asks

"Nope" I say

"Well one of you might end up pregnant thats the thing" Seahawk says and then nervously laughs

"What's pregnant?" I ask

Seahawk explains what being pregnant is and I want to be pregnant with Micahs children

The thought of us raising kids together is amazing

"Well thanks Seahawk!" I say

I fly off and practice how I'm going to ask out Micah

I'm so nervous and I pass by plumeria and I see Perfuma and Scorpia and I decide to ask them for help

I really want to have kids with Micah

Real love. Swift wind x MicahWhere stories live. Discover now