Frosta is 11 so shut the fuck up

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Swift Wind flies all the way over to the kingdom of snows to tell Frosta about his plan to confess his feelings to Micah.

Frosta was arguing with someone. Swift Wind decided to eavesdrop on them.

"That's a child and you're like 9." Someone says.

"Thats a ugly prickly bitch and shut the fuck up I'm 11." Frosta says.

The guy leaves and Swift Wind not being able to read a room, flies in. He and foster child I mean Frosta were best buds. Frosta was smart but not smart enough to realize that swift wind is annoying.

"Hey bestie!" Swift Wind says excitedly.

"Hey swift wind!" Frosta says happily.

"Guess what! Guess what! Guess what!" Swift Wind who may have had some of the white stuff.

"What?!" Frosta says.

"I have a crush!" Swift Wind the crack addict said.

"OH MY GOD THAT IS AMAZING!" Frosta yells.

"I KNOW RIGHT!!?? He's amazing and handsome and cool." Swift Wind says.

"Who is he?" Frosta not understand that humans and horse can't have sex.

"I'd rather not say but I do want you to meet him." Swift Wind says.

Swift Wind explains how he's going to ask out Micah in front of everyone and how Frosta is invited to the future wedding.

Frosta is overjoyed for Swift Wind and is already planning what outfit to wear. He's so excited. Two idiots, planning a wedding thats never gonna happen.

Frosta shows Swift Wind what tie to wear and what to say to Micah. Swift Wind actually thinks he's going to date him. What an idiot.

They spend hours talking about Swift Wind's crush and how they're going to spend their whole lives together. Frosta thinks Swift Wind is talking about a horse.

Swift Wind flies off to see Entrapta to invite her to the wedding thats never happening.

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