The big reveal

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TW for mention of suicide. I know it's a crack fic but I still wanna add it. Enjoy this extra long chapter

The big day is here. Swift Wind is excited, he could barley sleep last night. He wants to tell Micah so badly.

Catra and Adora make sure everyone is here and Glimmer and Bow are confused and still wondering why Swift Wind wanted to have sex with his crush and they hoped he knew what it meant.

Seahawk and Mermista were getting ready and Seahawk was so happy for Swift Wind and admired his bravery to tell his crush his feelings.

Mermista knew he'd fail and couldn't wait for him to be heartbroken since she's hated Swift Wind from the beginning.

Scorpia and Perfuma brought flowers and were so excited for Swift Wind. They both wanted him to have a happy ending. They both hoped they would get married like they would one day.

Scorpia wanted to give Swift Wind a big hug and tell him how proud she is of him for telling his crush about his feelings.

Frosta was prepared to make wedding arrangements for both of them. She was happy for him. She also knew she'd be a bridesmaid or maid of honour since she was one of Swift Winds closets friend.

Razz came only to watch her evil plan unfold and watch Swift Wind be in misery like he deserves to be and she planned on overdosing later.

Entrapta, Hordak and wrong Hordak come to support Swift Wind and Mermista asks Entrapta to record it. Entrapta is confused on why but she doesn't question it.

Even Angella showed up just to watch this train wreck go down. She knew Micah would never date a horse let alone the most annoying horse of all time.

Swift Wind prepares himself and walks outside to see everyone he told came and he was so happy that he had friends who supported him.

The man of the hour arrives and everyone gathers around the front yard thing. Swift Wind is standing at the end and everyone else is standing on the side.

Swift Wind sees Micah at the end and looks at everyone and they all nod and Micah looks confused. Razz was snorting cocaine and gets ready to watch this train wreck.

Swift wind takes a deep breath in and exhaled walks towards Micah. He's so excited to tell him about his feelings.

"Hey Swift Wind, you wanted to tell me something?" Micah asks.

Swift Wind gets turned on by his voice and blushes so hard, good lord Micah was so hot to him, Swift Wind couldn't stop looking at his muscles.

"Yes, Micah, I have something very important to tell you." Swift Wind says.

"What is it?" Micah asks and smiles.

Swift Wind nearly got horny at his smile and took another deep breath in and Catra nodded at him to say it.

"Micah, I love you!" Swift Wind yells. "I've loved you for weeks and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and how love physically by having SEX!"

Perfuma covers Frosta's ears and Catra can barley hold back her laughter and Mermista smirks and razz is high as fuck right now.

Everyone is stunned, Micah just looks disgusted at Swift Wind and wants to leave. Glimmer wants to kill Swift Wind for even thinking of trying to date her dad.

"So, Micah I take your silence as a yes?" Swift Wind asks.

"Swift Wind I-" Micah attempts to say.

"GREAT! Frosta and I will plan the wedding and Catra and Adora can help me figure out what sex is!" Swift Wind yells.

Angellas ghost was full on laughing and Catra was trying not to burst out laughing.

"Swift Wind!" Micah yells.

"Let's kiss! I'll make sure my horse chompers don't bite off your tongue." Swift Wind says.


Swift Winds heart breaks and looks at Micah sadly.

"W-What?" Swift Wind asks.

"I don't love you! You're a fucking horse! How the hell was this going to work?" Micah asks.

Swift Wind was taken back and he thought-no he knew they were soulmates, why was he acting like this?

"Micah, were meant to be together." Swift Wind says.

"Do you even know what sex is?" Micah asks.

"No but I-" Swift Wind says.

Micah is about to explain what it is before Perfuma stops him from saying anything else.

"Micah..." Swift Wind says sadly.

Micah is sick of this bullshit and decides to let Swift Wind and the others know it.

"Swift Wind, let me explain something to you." Micah says and takes a deep breath in. "I don't love you! I never have! I was married once!I have a daughter! We're not getting married or kissing or having sex!"

Frostas ears are still covered and Entrapta doesn't know what sex is so they're confused.

"But we-" Swift Wind tries to say.

"Whatever the hell you thought isn't true. I hate you Swift Wind!" Micah yells.

Swift Wind tears up and flies off somewhere. Catra Mermista and razz laugh their asses off and Adora feels bad for Swift Wind.

Frosta and Scorpia want to go find Swift Wind but they don't know where he is. Micah leaves with Glimmer to go rant somewhere and Bow plans to find Swift Wind.

Perfuma tried to tell Frosta about sex but couldn't find the right words to explain it to her.

Swift Wind flew off to a secret house where he lived and started to read his romance novels.

He reads Romeo and Juliet. They both killed them selves for love and then Swift Wind watched gnomeo and juliet and then he went to go watched a show.

He turned on horseflix and watched 13 apples why. A story about a horse girl who commits suicide after she's alone and she left 13 tapes behind.

Swift Wind knows he can't live after losing the love of his life and the embarrassment of admitting his love.

Swift Wind was going to do the world a favour and die.

Real love. Swift wind x MicahWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt