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Lea knocks hesitantly on a large wooden door, not relinquishing her grip on me. “Come in Lea, and please do let go of Dylan.” A distinctly male voice comes from the room, sounding amused. Lea swings open the door and I stand frozen for a second, looking around and taking in the details.

The room is bare apart from a large wooden desk, covered in papers and books. The walls are also uncovered, except for a single painting. I walk up to it, in a sort of trance. It’s beautiful, in a tragic and horrible way.

The detail rich piece of art is of a female zombie, standing alone in the middle of a green field; head cocked to the side, yellow eyes wide and bloodshot. It lips parted slightly, mouth covered in blood. Blonde hair, clumped and filthy; yellow summer dress in tatters. Feet covered by the tall green grass.

“Its spectacular isn’t it. Although a tad morbid.” The voice comes from beside me and I jump away.

He lets out a laugh at my reaction. I stare at him, almost as entranced by him as I was by the painting.

Tall, fit looking, probably late forties, dark hair going grey at the roots. But it’s not his appearance I’m entranced by; he seems to have an aura about him. Making you want to listen to everything he says and just be around him all the time.

“My name is Marcus McDeon. And you are Dylan Cobalt. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Marcus extends a hand, his mouth tilted up at the sides as if he is trying not to smile.

“Uh, th-thank you.” I shake the offered hand, a bit star struck. He laughs, once more at my reaction.

‘So, I suppose you have a few questions.’ He claps his hands together, “Lea, would you please lead us to the cafeteria.” She smiles at him and we follow her out and down the hall, our footsteps muffled by the expensive looking dark red carpet. On the way Marcus chatters on about something from before all this happened.

“It’s hard to believe it only began seven months ago isn’t it.” Marcus sighs, but quickly goes back to his grinning self.

“Everyone will be here in a moment, it’s nearly dinner time.”

I almost gasp at the thought of food, I can’t remember the last time I had something that wasn’t canned or nearly inedible.

A bell rings out and I nearly jump out of my skin.

“Relax my friend, you’re safe here” Marcus chuckles as people start to come in through doors around the room. A few nod at Marcus, but the majority just stare at me.

“Everyone, before we begin our meal,” Marcus begins, the room instantly goes silent, “I would like to announce a guest. This is Dylan Cobalt,” He motions at me and I give a hesitant wave. But before Marcus can continue someone jumps up from the crowd, “Dylan?!” a familiar voice calls out.

The person runs up to me, and my face is suddenly buried in a headful of dark brown hair.

“Dylan.” She sobs against my shoulder, “April.” I whisper and hold her tightly.

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