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My feet pound the filthy pavement, deep breaths.

The winds whips my face, stay calm.

Strands of my black hair blind me, keep going.

A gust of wind from behind me causes me to gag, their stench is putrid.

Don't stop.

I launch myself to the right as a shadow leaps out at me. It's teeth snapping viciously, fingers clawing desperatly.

I keep running.
Even though I won't turn, they can still rip me to shreds, not exactly what I want to happen at the moment.

I stumble and my breath catches in my throat, but regain my balance almost immediately.

I feel something breeze past my face. Thud.

Another faint whoosh, another thud.

I squint, peering ahead, a blurry figure stands half in half out of the shadows.

As I get closer, not slowing my pace, I can hear the faint pops milli-seconds before the somethings pass my face.

I throw a glance over my should and stumble to a stop, there's no more.

The corpses are scattered at varying distances behind me.

The figure shot them all, whilst they were moving, and with me in the way.

'Wha-' I begun, turning back around. Only to stop as I feel a the cold circle of a gun barrel against my sweaty forehead.

'Who are you, have you been bitten or scratched, where are you heading and why?' They fire of questions, I still can't see the persons face as the hooded jacket they are wearing cast shadows. Concealing any defining features.

I'm to shocked to reply immediately.

'Answer or die.' It comes out cold, harsh. Not giving any indication as to which gender my savior and possible exicutioner is.

'My name is Dylan Cobalt. I'm heading nowhere, just running. And I'm running because I've got nowhere to go.'

'Have you been bitten or scratched?' They ask again, in the same tone.

'Not recently, but it wouldn't matter if I had been.'

'What do you mean?' The gun moves away from my head a centimetre.

'I'm immune.'

They lower the gun, and the hood gets flicked back.

To reveal.. to reveal a creature of sorts.

The general face structure tells me its a woman, buts that where the gender, well, human defining features stop.

Her eyes are yellow and bloodshot, no nose just two holes inbetween her mouth and eyes.

Her mouth, is terrifying.

No lips, just jagged flaps of skin that only partially conceal her fang like teeth. Which all come to a sharp point.

'Wha- how...' I gasp, our gazes locking.

'The diesease, we got bit. But didn't change. Well, we did change. But not into a flesh eating monster.'

There's more like her?

'There are about 5 more like me in our group.' She announce, like she read my mind.

'Why did you save me?'

'Because you look like the man in the picture.'

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