I Should Have Kissed You

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"Be right back, Haz, and dinner is on me!" Marcel yelled as he went out the door. Harry swore he sounded more excited than usual, but he wasn't sure that was even possible. Marcel's normal, and pretty much only level, is 100. Harry turned back to his homework, and not too long later, he heard the garage opening, signaling Marcel's arrival. He noted that, but continued. When Harry finished, he stripped down to his pants and put on his classic rock mix, blasting it through his headphones as he danced around a little.

Suddenly, his door was swinging open and he was face to face with Niall. Harry fumbled with the music in his surprise, while Niall looked at him with widening eyes and a steadily rising flush. He looked soft, with his hair flat against his forehead, just a little damp, and wearing a fluffy blue jumper paired with light wash skinnies. Harry was applauding his imagination as he took a step forward, amazed with the details.

In all of his fantasies, this was the moment where Niall would confess to having a massive crush on Harry and kiss him passionately. Right on cue, Niall spread his perfect pink lips, and his tongue darted out to wet them quickly before he spoke. "This isn't the bathroom is it?" He chuckled nervously after in an attempt to diffuse the odd tension that had come over them. "And there are two of you." Harry furrowed a brow at that. Dream Niall had never said anything like that, and really, they should be kissing, doing something, by now. The term 'lucid dreaming' came to mind.

He thought for a minute about what he'd like to do and settled on dancing. Harry held up his finger, signaling for Niall to wait, before tossing off his headphones and connecting his phone to his speakers. When Stevie Nick's voice came through, Harry took one of Niall's and twirled him, startling a laugh from him. Niall started singing along the next time Harry spun him, and it shocked Harry into stopping. It was bright with a hint of rasp to it that made Harry shiver a little. "You've never sung before. It's beautiful, truly." Niall looked away and played with his fingers, self-deprecating grin sliding into place. Whatever it was that made dream Niall more complex this time, Harry loved it, but dream or not, he couldn't stand to see him think less of himself. he caught one of Niall's hands in his and pulled him closer. "Hey, don't do that, put yourself down like that. I meant what I said and I've got no reason to lie." Harry said the last bit with a half smile. The urge to hug Niall kept nagging at him until he gave in. Niall made a small noise of surprise, before burying his face in the side of Harry's neck, forgetting the fact that he was half-naked until Marcel calling from downstairs broke them apart.

"Niall, you okay up there?"

Flushed, Niall answered. "'m fine." Wait. Marcel? Harry thought. Niall made his way to the door, pausing before stepping out and looking back at Harry with a lop-sided grin. "Thanks..."

"Harry," he said as he mentally cringed at himself for thinking the whole encounter was a dream, "And the bathroom is the next for on your right." Niall gave a last grateful smile and was gone from Harry's doorway. With a groan, Harry flopped back onto his bed, Fleetwood Mac still playing softly.

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