Hour 6

116 5 3

Hola!!!! 🥰

Enjoy! Lol

I just love stopping by!
Love- Nessie😘💖


"Okay hold on. Now this is where it gets really fucked up. Because this involved me and everything else." everyone looked up at Zayn as he stood up

"I didn't break up with Harry because of you Zayn." Doctor Hale furrowed her brows throwing her pen and groaned rubbing her face

"You broke up with him?!"

"Okay, hold on here! Settle down! I meant that two things piled up at once and it took a toll on you two."

"Boys, give me a minute to catch up here. We skipped two years from this equation. You went from twenty-thirteen to twenty-fifteen. What happened in those two years?" Harry sighed and started picking at his jeans

"We tried putting more effort into the relationship. I thought we were getting back on track on how we used to be. But...management was getting in Louis' head."

He groaned throwing his head back. Liam piped up interrupting

"Wait! You forgot to mention that you got married." Doctor Hale shook her head

"Okay what?!" Louis shook his head

"No. Save that bit for last. It happened in September twenty-thirteen. But we can save that for last. Or later in the story. There's more things to talk about than that." Zayn scoffed

"Look at you. The one who didn't want to come." he rolled his eyes and then Doctor Hale spoke

"No, lads listen. We're going back and forth between years. I need to hear how in the middle of this all you just decided to get married!" Niall interjected

"I will say, you were happy for a bit again during those two years. After getting married, having time to yourselves. Harry spoke to Eleanor and made a deal with her before they got married." the doctor raised a brow and turned to look at Harry

"So you were going to just pass by all that like nothing?" he groaned

"Yes. But if you must know. I was trying to fight for what we had. So I went to see her and Louis for dinner."


I clasped my hands together looking between the tall brunette and the tv. Louis was playing with my fingers as I sighed and spoke to her

"Listen Eleanor. You've been around for two years, you know what we've been through and what we go through. I'm actually glad that Louis has you in his life. Both of us really. But I wanted to change up some things between us three." Louis' furrowed his brows and looked at me confused

"What are you on about Haz?" I smiled and gripped his hand kissing it

"For us to have more time together, we have to play this smart. And maybe management won't have a problem with us as much anymore. And this will not breach your contract." she smiled nodding her head and set her elbows on her knees looking at us both

"Alright, what do you propose?"

"You can take pictures with him in advance, and then while we're together you can post them to take the attention off of us. Or prevent it. Just you know, make it seem like he's with you instead of me. I'll even send you pictures as well." she raised a brow and nodded, Louis chuckled kissing my cheek

"I have no idea how we didn't think of this before."

"Okay. We can do this. Thank you for talking to me Harry. You know I never meant for this to happen." I shook my head giggling as Louis kissed my neck

Fine Line - Larry Stylinson AUWhere stories live. Discover now