Hour 4

109 4 5


Boom! Another chap lol

Love you all🥰



Her eyes scanned the five men, eyebrows furrowed as she studied their faces. Her concentration was interrupted by a knock at her door, then it opened to reveal a tall lanky man with glasses framing his beautiful features. He gulped looking at the guys, then turned to look at her

"Doctor Hale, your two o'clock is calling to confirm-

"Cancel them all Tyler. Clear my whole schedule. This is more important." Louis sighed standing up as he wiped his eyes for the millionth time

"Doc, we appreciate what you're trying to do here but-

"No buts. Sit down. We are going to go through all these years of your lives until this very second. So Tyler, clear it." she gave Louis a stern look and he groaned sitting back in his chair

The assistant nodded quickly and closed the door

"Now. Why did you tweet that?" Harry sniffled inching forward about to speak, but Louis beat him to it starring back at him

"Because I love him. And I needed to show him and the world that one last time. I knew and felt that things were going to go shit from there."

"And did they?" Niall scoffed looking over at Harry

"Doc, this whole thing is shite. Louis did date her. They made him go out with her almost every fucking day. Even when we were on tour. And on days Harry tried to plan out for them both." Zayn cleared his throat looking at his lost friend

"But Louis tried so hard to keep his relationship with Harry strong. Four years he held on. But they were cracking."

The doctor's eyes softened as she looked at both men who looked so small with how open they were being about their life

"What happened in these four years boys?" Harry looked up and chuckled, pain clearly behind it

"We rebelled. Went off the rails, despite managements demands."


We all ran out of the interview building into the SUV  waiting for us outside. I grinned sitting beside Louis and set my head on his shoulder, kissed his neck lightly and then sighed in happiness as we drove towards the hotel

"You two are just so dam cute." I blushed and waved Niall off. Louis grinned grabbing my hand kissing it

"Lads, I think they're noticing you're still being touchy. I thought you were going to cut that out in public?" Louis sighed starring out the window, he didn''t mean to be angry at Liam, but it irritated him that they had placed his friend in the position of helping to keep them apart threatening him with contracts too

"We can't Liam. We love each other too much. And I hate to say it but jealousy goes up the roof. I did the right thing by getting with El. Look at us, we're still happy." my smile faltered. He thought he'd done the right thing and that we were still happy

Which we were, i'm glad we could still be together. But seeing him with her, it pained me.  I tried so hard to be friends with her, and she did with me too. But it still hurt, more than just getting jealous. Knowing he had to kiss her too, show her off, be loving towards her. I couldn't take it, even knowing that he always came back home to me. Sometimes.

I was young and in love, but it was that painful kind of love where you can't live without them


"Ah, so this is where it started getting unhealthier?" Liam scoffed clasping his hands and inching forward

"Definitely. Specially when they fought. Man, listen. Harry might have been young, but he was starting to box and exercise to let out his frustration about the whole situation. So when he got mad, apart from his voice being so morbid making him seem calm even when he wasn't, that was not the scariest part. He threw shit around." Harry blushed embarrassed and groaned knowing where this was going

"The first big fight happened. It was November. We'd just been told about our schedule for the remainder of the year. They were arguing about Lou's birthday." Louis' took in a sharp breath looking at Zayn


All three of us watched our two best mates argue as we sat in their living room. I sighed hating confrontation. But worse when it was our friends involved

"But Louis! We planned to be together for your birthday! I told Jay I was going to help her cook, mum, Gems, and Robin were going to come over. We love each other here don't we?"

"Haz, I get it. But it's just my birthday and Christmas. It's any other day. I have to be with Eleanor." Harry scoffed

"This is not management. This is all you isn't it? You're falling for her too!" Liam tried to get up but I grabbed his arm making him sit back down

"No! You know I love you! I just....we need more space in the public eye. And if they see she's with my family and I during the holidays, they'll know we're serious and won't even think of you and I."

"Louis mate, you're saying the wrong things here. You need-

Everyone turned wide eyed to see Harry starring at Louis with anger, sadness, and betrayal in his eyes. A vase shattered by Louis' feet that once held roses of their love. Niall gripped my shoulder, he was getting anxious and scared


"You just said that there was no significance to your birthday or Christmas. But all of a sudden it does if she's with you. I see where this is going. I'm not taking this shit Louis." his curls stuck to his tear stained cheeks as he grabbed his keys and wallet

"Harry! You can't just leave. Babe, I do love you. We're still together aren't we?" his green eyes looked over at him, more tears falling through

"I mean, are we?! You're with her more than me now. You've refused to touch me like you used to. They're getting to your head and you're believing all the lies! We are who we are, don't be ashamed of it! I'm losing you and it's not fair!" Louis went to grab his hand but he backed away angrily looking back

"I am not ashamed Harry. I love you! And you're not losing me. I'm right here. I'm just...I need to protect us." Harry scoffed kicking some of the glass on ground harshly and stepped forward nose to nose with Louis, he growled when Louis closed his eyes taking in a scared breath

This time we all stood up getting close to them expecting the worst

"Bullshit. This is not the way to protect us. This is destroying us. So if space is what we need in the public, space is what we'll get in the fucking closet." Louis eyes opened wide and he watched Harry walk away knocking another vase cursing under his breath

"What do you mean space-

"You heard me. Space. What you clearly want the most! I'm moving out. I can't live with you anymore. She can live with you now. Doesn't feel like home no more. I'll be out when I find a place." he cried more as he walked out of the flat


"You left? But you worked so hard-

"Doc, you're supposed to be the expert here." she sighed wiping her eyes

"Yea, yea. I know. I'm just thrown back s'all. So, what happened after that fight?" Louis whined sliding off his chair, everyone looked over at him

"He met Taylor." his sad blue eyes looked up at those breathtaking green ones

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