Awkward, But Good.

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A/N: James' picture on the side, he is hot and your agument is invalid. :P Sorry for not updating in ages, please comment or pm if you want to talk, I'll reply to you. I've been told that my writing is slacking so I want opinions.


Things have been going... alright lately. Not great but good enough. Living with your boss that barely remembers you and who you are in love with has it's ups and downs.

First, it's really weird. I don't even know how the doctor thought this was a great idea. Zayn doesn't remember me so he seems to think we just don't know each other. He'll tell me things and be really surprised when I tell him I know it already. Some surprise me too, especially the little things. The little things I never knew I had noticed about him.

Second, he's really great at ignoring people. He forgot who I was alright, but still it's no reason to forget that I now live in the same flat as you. I admit, I do enjoy it when he walks around naked as if I wasn't there and, it's good for you to be comfortable enough with your body to show it off. Why wouldn't he with a body like his? However, the me in my pants enjoys it much more. So then, I become extremely embarrassed and just hopes he didn't see anything.

Third, he is so much nicer to me now than before, I feel like a freakng fifteen year old fangirl whenever he compliments me or says something nice. Then, just after he'll tell me I'm stupid and call me Gayne.

Anyway, today he is going back to work for the first time since his accident. I just hope he won't make a fuss when he arrives there...


"Who. The. Hell. Is. That." Yeah, he was mad. Harry had wanted to find a replacement while Zayn wasn't working and let's just say the new guy knew what he was doing. He was good, nice, polite, funny, handsome, literally everything you look for in a ma-, spokesperson/model. He could've easily been the face of Stylinson & Horan if Zayn hadn't been.

"Errr, that's your... replacement?" it was more a question than an affirmation. "Get him off my desk. Now." Zayn said, scowling. I had no idea how I was supposed to do that. I can't even picture me going up to him just to say hi.

The man in question saw us staring and got out of his chair, walking over to us and extending us two hands to shake, which I found absolutely adorable.

"Zayn Malik, right? I heard a lot about you. As handsome in real life as on photograph. My name is James Maslow."

Zayn found the strenght to be polite enough and shook James' hand. The tall brown haired man then turned to me. "And you are really cute but I don't think that's your name." He said with a cheeky smile.

I knew I was blushing, I could feel my cheeks heating up. "Thanks. I'm Liam Payne. Zayn's assistant." I felt the need to precise this. Not that I want him to know I'm not Zayn's boyfriend. Well, not that I think he thought I was Zayn's boyfriend. It's more because I'm not his boyfriend and even though I wish I was, I don't want people to think I am.

Argh, this is confusing. I got pulled out of my thoughts by Zayn snapping his fingers repeatedly in front of my face. "Uh?" I asked wondering where James and his charming smile went. What, loving Zayn shouldn't stop me from noticing other men's charming smiles.

'Yes it should.' replied the little voice in my head.



Yeah? Well it's been a while since Zayn's last charmingly smiled in my direction so pardon me.

"You know what this reminds me of?" Zayn asked coldly. Reminds was the keyword there.

"No?" He shrugged. "Me neither. It's just that I think I remembered that the last time a man charmingly smiled at you and you blushed like that, you ended up getting stood up, ruining my date and crying miserably in my car."


I had day dreamed so many times of how Zayn would act when he regained his memory. It wasn't like I had imagined it would. I didn't think he'd be so harsh towards me. As the day went on, he got meaner, really, inching more and more towards the Zayn I had first met.

I know the process could be slow or sudden, immediate but it seemed as if all the memories he regains are the events and things I'd done to make him dislike me. Poop. Just when I thought we'd made some progress and were actually becoming friends.

I was walking out of the office for the third time because apparently, I still hadn't gotten his order right. Try to write a "quad venti half caf breve no foam with whip two splenda stirred skinny three pump peppermint mocha" in the most messy handwriting ever and depicting it in front of a barista while there's a hoard of angry business men yelling at you to hurry up. I'm not an expert hieroglyph reader. 

I was waiting in line when the customer before me turned around. I was suprised to see sex on legs- I mean, James standing in front of me. "Hey" he greeted, a smile on his face.

"Hello, again." I replied. "Weren't you just here?" He asked and my eyes narrowed. Was he spying on me or something? Please don't be a stalker! Not that I'm interesting enough for someone to want to stalk me. "I'm not following you or anything, I saw you enter the office with a tray from here so I thought, why not go to Starbucks too and pay a ridiculous amount of money for a short lived enjoyment of caffeine filled goodness?" 

"Oh. Yeah, I've been getting Zayn's order all wrong. It's my third time here." He raised an eyebrow. "Is he really that complicated?" I nodded, "Yeah, I mean, he's Zayn."

He took a peek at the hastily scribbled not in my hand and beamed. "Hey, that's exactly what I'm getting!" Pretty excited for a drink, eh. "Really?" I asked. "Nope. I'm more of a double tall cappuccino, extra dry kind of guy. I can order it for you though if you want." "Thanks, my legs are getting tired of all this walking."

Five minutes later, I had Zayn's new drink along with a couple of pastries James had insisted of giving to me. "Everyone needs a little diabetes inducing happiness in their lives." he said. "How come you're so fit? The way you talk make it seems like you're kind of obsessed with sweets." I asked laughing. I think I slipped a compliment in there. "Food obsessed really but I'm one of those people that can eat all they want and don't get fat." He answered with a wink. "Plus, I'm a model so I kind of have no choice but to stay fit. My flatmates a bit of a organic food lover." 

I looked at my watch and suggested that we start walking back to work, "I wouldn't want Zayn to throw another tantrum." 

~* ~

"Finally, I thought you disappeared." Zayn said as I brought him his drink. "Concerned about me now?"I asked raising an eyebrow. He shrugged, "not really I was just wondering when you'd get here with my coffee." Coffee. He calls it coffee? All these complicated terms he made me retain and he dares call it coffee? I wish he'd burn himself with his coffee.

"Shit, Gayne!  Could've at least warned me it was still hot!" he hissed, clamping a hand against his mouth. "Oops."

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