Thirty Three

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Amsterdam was rainy and cold from when we touched down on Tuesday evening until Wednesday afternoon.  Annika had been making plans all week for the small amount of free time we had while in the city.  After our training session at the stadium and before we met for dinner, we had a precious few of hours that she'd talked us into using for exploring the surroundings of our hotel.  When we got back to the hotel, though, those plans were quickly disregarded.  Well, for everyone except Kyle, who'd jumped on the bandwagon as soon as Annika brought it up.

"Come on, guys, it's barely raining anymore."

We were practically at the hotel by then, and the incessant rain that had been falling since we left the stadium had reduced to a light sprinkle.  Still, though, the idea of wandering around outside in any kind of drizzle sent a shiver down my spine, especially after the run around in the rain we'd just had.

"Sorry, Ann, I'm freezing," I said, shaking my head.

"Yeah, there's no way," Fran agreed quickly. "Sorry."

Annika, now pouting, huffed and looked to Olly and Mason with wide eyes.  "Mase? Olly?"

Somehow, the Dane managed to twist Olly's arm into going with, but wasn't able to convince Mason. Pulling up outside the hotel, Fran came up with an alternative activity for us.

"Want to watch a movie, Beck?" she asked as we climbed out of the bus.  "Please say yes, or else I'm just going to sleep."

"I could watch a movie."  Nodding, I landed next to Fran.

She glanced over my head at Mason. "Mitch, you want to join?"

My stomach twisted at her question.  As okay as things seemed to be with Mason, I was apprehensive about spending one-on-one time with him at the moment.  We hadn't had a conversation by ourselves since Monday in the changing rooms and I was trying my best to keep it that way. There was a weird energy between us, and being around him even with a group unnerved me.  Knowing Fran would be with us didn't even comfort me.

"Yeah, love to."

Repressing dread, I gathered my bag as it was unloaded and followed Fran inside.  Annika pestered us all the way up to our room before finally accepting defeat and bidding us farewell in the corridor.

"God, she's so persistent," Fran laughed as she collapsed onto the bed closest to the door.

"Mm."  I followed suit and fell onto my ascribed bed. Shutting my eyes, I was tempted to suggest that we just have a sleep after all.

"Can I shower first?"  I waved in approval, pulling my phone from my pocket to tell Mason we were going to shower pre-movie.  "Pick a movie in the meantime!"

I nodded, but the bathroom door was already closing by the time I replied.  The shower starting up sounded around the room as I heaved myself off my bed to grab my laptop.  Knowing how long Fran usually took to shower, there wasn't a rush to pick a movie.  But if I remained lying on the bed, my eyes shut for sure.

I was midway through watching a trailer when someone knocked on the door.  The shower was still running and, knowing it couldn't be anyone else but Mason, I widened by eyes in alarm.  I hadn't anticipated spending any alone time with him.

"It's open!"

Mason entered and smiled at me straight away. "Fran still showering?"  I nodded while Mason rolled his eyes. "Figures."

His hair was still wet from his own shower. As he walked towards my bed, he pushed it away from his forehead with a hand.  The light brown locks just fell back to the exact position they were in before. I expected him to perch on the edge of my bed, or I guess to feel as strange as I did.  To my surprise, though, he clambered over the sheets and lay on his side, his head propped up by his hand.  Dressed in a Chelsea golf shirt and tracksuit pants, his bare arm brushed against the side of my leg.

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