The Fantastic Four

978 21 9

Sadie, Harry, and Nadine trudged up the stairs with Ron and the twins showing the way. After climbing up a few levels, Ron pushed open a door. Inside was two tiny little beds surrounded by tons of Chudley Cannons posters and flags. To Sadie's surprise, there were no stuffed bears or lions anywhere.

She turned to Ron. "Don't you have any stuffed animals at all?" Ron's face turned as red as his hair.

Fred and George snickered. "No. If you must know, Fred turned my bear into a spider when I was three. I haven't kept any stuffed animals in my room since."

Sadie turned around to raise an eyebrow at the twins. One put his hands up in defense. "He broke my toy broomstick!" Sadie eyed the twins. She was beginning to be able to tell who was who. George slumped a lot more and put his hands in his pockets. Fred's grin was more lopsided and his eyes twinkled a bit more. She rolled her eyes and grinned.

Harry and Nadine laughed. Sadie turned to see Ron pouting, his arms crossed. She shook her head at him. "Aww. Did that hurt ickle Ronniekins's feelings?" she joked. The twins burst out laughing. Fred put a hand on Sadie's shoulder.

"That's our nickname for him as well!" Fred exclaimed.

"Join the club! We have cookies!" George added. All five laughed.

Ron scowled. "Oh, shut it, George. You do not have cookies."

Sadie smirked. "You're right, Ron. He doesn't have cookies, or you would've already sniffed them out and eaten them, the greedy little pig." Fred and George snickered. Harry set Leo on the bed while Ron shoved Fred and George out of the room, who grabbed Sadie and Nadine's arms and pulled the girls with them. They all fell on the floor laughing outside the door. After a minute or so, Sadie and Nadine stood up, and Sadie picked up her trunk again. The twins stayed on the floor for a moment longer and caught their breath. Sadie kicked Fred's ribs lightly.

"Come on, lazy. Show us to our room," she ordered, lightly kicking him again. The twins slowly stood up and led the girls up about three more flights. They opened the second of the only two doors on their hallway. The first one had an "F" and a "G." Sadie nudged Nadine with her elbow.

"Three guesses who lives in that room," she whispered. Nadine snorted and lightly slapped her new friend's side. They joined Fred and George in the room that was to be theirs. Sadie set her trunk down on the bed near the window and surveyed the tan room. It felt so empty compared to all the other rooms. There was a small dresser off to the side. Sadie put a few of her clothes in the dresser, just to make the room feel more like home.

She pulled a few pictures out of her trunk and used Spell-o-tape to put them above the bed. They were all labeled at the bottom; Mum; Aunt Mona; Aunt Poppy; Aunt Ro; Uncle Mykew; and the last one labeled was a picture of Severus. The words 'Professor Snape' were written at the bottom but crossed out and replaced with 'Dad'. She pulled out some more pictures of her family. One was of her mother and herself standing outside their cottage. One was of Pomona and Poppy standing on either side of her right outside the Hogwarts doors. There were many others around those two photos. She stood back and admired her work. Then, she pulled out a Gryffindor Poster. She put that next to the photos of her family.

The picture of Minerva showed that she was in the Hospital Wing, just like the real Minerva. The other pictures were all blank. They weren't really pictures. More of communication devices.

Fred and George smirked. "You're just going to leave those here?"

Sadie nodded. "These are just copies. The originals are at Mum's cottage," she explained. Fred and George just stared at the picture of Minerva.

"It's so weird to have you call Professor McGonagall 'Mum,'" Nadine admitted, sitting on the other bed.

Sadie shrugged and giggled a bit. "It's just what I've grown up with. You'll never believe what Harry calls her, though." The picture of Minerva glared at Sadie.

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