All Grown Up

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(Now that Sadie is older, the chapters are going to be a little bit longer.)

Eight years went by and Sadie grew into a loving, caring eleven-year-old girl. Growing up in Scotland in Hogsmeade gave her a strong British accent with a medium Scottish twinge to it. She was very attuned to everyone's needs, especially her mother. She also had names for all the professors. Aunt Mona and Aunt Poppy. She had originally thought Filius was a doctor, so she still called him Dr. Fili even though Minerva had explained that he wasn't a doctor. He thought it was cute. When she was four, she called Albus 'Alby', and it sort of stuck. When she was angry with him, though, which was very rare, she would call him Professor Dumbledore.

She jumped out of bed one Saturday morning and rushed to Minerva's room. The woman had gotten in very late the night before and seemed extremely exhausted. Sadie knew that when Minerva was exhausted, she tended to have nightmares. Sadie's suspicion turned out to be right as she found her mother tossing and turning in the bed, whimpering and murmuring about one thing or another. Sadie gently shook the woman. Minerva's eyes popped open. She sat up quickly, looking around. She sighed in relief that it was just a dream.

"Nightmares again?" Sadie asked, crawling into the bed. Minerva hugged the girl tightly, giving Sadie a hint about what the nightmare was. "Was it about me, Mum?" Minerva pulled away to look at the girl, a smile forming on her face.

"You're too smart for your own good, Kitten." She sighed. "Yes, it was about you. Do you know how lucky you are that you were with me that night instead of there with them? I'm almost certain that you would have been killed with your mum." She hugged her tightly again.

When Sadie was eight, Minerva finally told her about her family. She told the girl about how her mother had died protecting her brother. She was told about how Dumbledore had sent him to live with their uncle and aunt. Minerva told her about how they hadn't checked on him in a while, but Vernon and Petunia weren't the best people. She had promised Sadie that she would take her to meet her brother. She hadn't told the girl who her father was, only that he didn't know she existed. Sadie had understood that she would find out someday. She didn't particularly care when. Not yet, anyways.

Sadie snuggled into her mother's warm embrace. "But I was here, so there's no need worrying about what might have been. Right now, we need to worry about the fact that you're about to be late to work." That got both females out of bed.

Minerva checked the clock. It was, indeed, a half hour until she needed to be at her classroom. Sadie pointed out that she had already missed breakfast. The two dressed and ate quickly, Minerva fixing a bowl of porridge and a banana for Sadie. Sadie didn't mind. She knew her mother was strict about her diet, and she had grown accustomed to it over the years.

After the both of them had finished eating, Minerva took Sadie to Rosmerta to look after. Sadie waved her mother off, standing in the doorway of the Three Broomsticks, watching the woman walk up the pathway and disappear into the large castle. Sadie felt a hand on her shoulder and spun around. There was Madam Rosmerta smiling at her.

"Come on, Sadie. These tables aren't going to wipe themselves." Rosmerta handed her a towel.

"I don't see why I have to do this, Aunt Ro! You could just flick your wand and have everything clean! I don't see why I need to waste time and energy on something that would be much easier with just magic!" Sadie complained, starting to wipe the counter. She could do magic wandlessly, but Minerva had warned for her to keep that a secret, just in case.

Rosmerta smirked. "Well then, why do they keep that horrid Filch up at the castle? That man's a right good menace!" Sadie thought for a moment before answering.

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