If You Say So

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That night, Minerva got home early. When she went to pick Sadie up, she found that the girl was organizing all of the different drinks. According to Rosmerta, she had been up to that since Minerva had left. Minerva knew that the girl only did that when she was stressed, but Minerva supposed that was because her Hogwarts letter was supposed to arrive in the next two months.

Sadie didn't even look up when the door opened. She didn't look up when Minerva cleared her throat. She didn't even acknowledge anyone's presence until Rosmerta was out of the room.

"I know who he is, Mum. You don't have to hide it from me anymore. Just tell me if I'm right," Sadie murmured. Her hair began floating, a habit it had whenever Sadie was upset. It had developed a few years ago when someone insulted Minerva. Minerva's brows furrowed.

"What are you going on about, Sadie?"

"I know who my father is. He was in here earlier today," Sadie informed her. "He had a picture of him and Lily Potter. He looks just like me. I don't know how I didn't see it before now."

Minerva's eyes widened. She was afraid that her worst nightmare was about to come true right in front of her. She braced herself for the words she was afraid would come next. Sadie would want to go live with Severus instead. Those words never came. Instead came something different. "Why didn't you tell me, Mum?"

Minerva closed her eyes. "I wasn't sure if I could trust him not to do anything stupid. He's not exactly the most stable person in the world."

Sadie put down the bottle in her hands. "We're not talking about him. Why didn't you tell me?"

Minerva sighed and sat in a chair, bowing her head. "I didn't want you to leave me," was her response, barely audible. A few tears filled her eyes, and, for as much as she tried to hide them, one or two fell onto her cheeks.

Sadie smiled gently, her hair falling into her face. "Why would I do that? You're my mum just as much as Lily Potter was, if not more. You're the one who raised me, not him or her. Professor Snape will be no more than the person who made my mum pregnant with me. Mum, why would you even think that I would leave you for him?"

Minerva looked into Sadie's eyes. "He's still your father, Sadie. He may not have raised you, but he's your real family."

Sadie walked over to Minerva, crawled into her lap, and hugged her. "But that doesn't make you any less my mum."

The two sat there in a silent embrace for a minute. It was completely unnatural for Minerva to be so upset about anything, so Sadie knew this meant a lot to her. After a few minutes of silence, Sadie got up. "We should go home. We both know you don't fare well in the morning if you're exhausted." Minerva stood reluctantly. Sadie took her hand, and the two walked out of the back room. Rosmerta took one glance at Sadie's hand in Minerva's and Minerva's puffy eyes and knew. She gave Minerva a warm smile.

"Thank you for watching me, today, Aunt Ro. Don't forget. I won't be here tomorrow," Sadie announced. She was spending the entire day with Hagrid, tending to his garden. She loved spending days at Hagrid's. Her mother would always come visit during the days, and she would sit at the head table during meals.

Rosmerta waved from the doorway as the two walked down the path to their tiny cottage. It was a very quiet walk back. Minerva took the key out of her pocket and unlocked the door. After Sadie was ready for bed, she walked into Minerva's room. Minerva was reading in her bed, a cup of chamomile tea in her hand. She was in a nightgown and had her hair in a low ponytail. She looked up as Sadie came in.

"Yes, Kitten?" Minerva asked, setting her tea down on the bedside table. "Do you need something?"

Sadie shook her head and silently sat on the bottom of the bed and curled up into a ball. Minerva smiled at her daughter's antics and draped a blanket over her. Her smile faded as she turned out the lights. Her thoughts drifted back to her plans for the next day. She knew she would have to tell Severus about Sadie sooner or later. She planned on telling Severus while Sadie was at Hagrid's hut so they could meet each other. It was a Sunday, so they didn't have classes. She knew there would be an explosion on Severus's side. As Minerva thought about it more and more, the more tired she became. Eventually, she drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Minerva's eyes opened to see Sadie whimpering at the bottom of the bed. Minerva could tell it was a very bad nightmare because Sadie's hair was floating. Minerva quickly got up and shook her daughter awake. Sadie yelped upon seeing Minerva. She got out of bed and hurried to her room. Minerva was very confused and slightly hurt. She left her room and went into the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Sadie was holed up in her room, crying. She knew it was just a nightmare, but she couldn't bring herself to not be upset. In the nightmare, Sadie had made her mother disappointed and angry. She didn't know why, but Minerva wasn't speaking to her. That was one of her worst fears, upsetting her mother and having Minerva hate her and want to send her away.

She knew her mother was upset at the moment, and Sadie couldn't help but feel like it was her fault. Of course, she would never show that fear in public, but at home, she couldn't help it. Severus Snape would never mean more to her than Minerva would. After about an hour, she exited her room.

When she walked into the kitchen, Minerva was reading the newspaper with an empty plate in front of her. She sat down on the other side of the table, in front of the plate of fruit. Minerva put down her newspaper and frowned at Sadie who was moving around pieces of fruit on her plate but not actually eating them.

"Care to tell me why you ran away at the sight of me earlier?" She folded her arms across her chest. Sadie put down her fork.

"It's my fault. It's all my fault." Sadie's face went into her hands. "Why you're upset. Why you were crying yesterday. It's all my fault. I'm sorry, Mum. I understand if you hate me now. It's all my fault anyway." Minerva stood.

"Sadie, stop. Nothing is your fault. I am not upset because of you," Minerva insisted.

Sadie looked up, tears running down her face. "But you are. You're upset because you think I want to move in with my father, who I just realized the identity of yesterday. I'm the reason. You probably hate me now!" She buried her face in her hands and shook with sobs.

Everything was silent for a moment. Suddenly, she was enveloped in a large hug. She looked up to see that Minerva had gone around the table, got down on her knees, and embraced her.

"I most certainly do not hate you, Kitten. I don't ever want to here you suggest such a thing ever again. Am I understood?" Minerva asked, not letting go of Sadie.

Sadie nodded, wrapping her arms around her mother's neck. "I love you, Mum."

"I love you more."

Then a breath. A pause. Then, Sadie said "If you say so."

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