Chapter Eighteen

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                “Naw, I’m sure I don’t wanna come to dinner. I’m a big supporter of free grub but I ain’t one fer sittin’ ‘round a table with a lawman.” Reb said with a shake of his head.

                Jonah pulled on his hat and adjusted his gun belt. “You gonna be hanging around here? We’ll bring you a plate if you want us to.”

                “Naw, I’m gonna head on down to the saloon.”

                “Have ya some fun, Reb, cuz once me and Jonah’s done with supper we’ll need ya to keep an eye on Clayton.”

                “Again?” Reb demanded as he watched Clayton making what he called ‘outlaw faces’ in the mirror as he propped his hand on the hilt of the new bowie knife on his hip.

                “Yep.” Joe replied as she looked up at Jonah. Jonah kissed her forehead and then nodded at Reb.

                “I promised the woman a drink.”

                “Well whatd’ya say, Clayton? When y’all get done with dinner do ya wanna hang out with yer old Uncle Reb?”

                “Sure!” Clayton exclaimed as he jumped off the chest he’d been standing on and into Jonah’s arms. Jonah grunted under his sudden weight and then chuckled as he held the boy tight. “Maybe you could take me to the house where the whores live! I brought my money!”

                Jonah threw his head back laughing while Joe glared over at Reb and the one-eyed man rubbed the back of his neck and stuttered several times as if searching for the correct response. One that would both ensure his nephew didn’t hate him and keep Joe from killing him dead right there on the spot.

                 “I’ll tell you what, boy,” Jonah cut in. “Why don’t you save that money and we’ll go look at what kind of colts they got for sale around here. I think they got some good ranches.”

                “Really, pa?!” Clayton exclaimed. “All I got is five dollars. Do you think that’ll be enough?”

                Jonah smiled and ruffled the boy’s hair as he sat him on his feet. “That’ll be plenty.”

                “I’ll pitch in a little too just in case it’s not.” Reb spoke up and Jonah didn’t miss the angry indignant look on Joe’s face. Clearly she knew that ten dollars wouldn’t be near enough and that Reb and Jonah were going to be paying quite a bit for whichever colt Clayton picked. Jonah knew she was about to speak up and he took her hand and squeezed it to silence her. Reb shrugged. “I mean, hey, I got four birthdays I gotta make up fer and four Christmas’s.”

                “So do I.” Jonah agreed and understanding flashed in Joe’s green/gray eyes as she squeezed his hand back.

Renegades and Stubborn Pride (sequal to Renegades and Pretty Women)Where stories live. Discover now