Chapter Four

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Reb looked from Jonah to Clayton and it was obvious, even to a man with one eye, that Clayton had to be Jonah’s boy. Sure the boy had a dusting of freckles from his mama and he had her bow shaped mouth but everything else about the boy was Jonah.

It was also obvious to Reb that Jonah was in shock because he too had realized what had to be the truth.

“Clayton, where is yer mama?” Reb asked. Clayton looked at Reb and snickered behind his hand.

“Ya only have one eye.”

“I know that.” Reb replied with a sigh. “Where is yer mama?”

“I don’t’ know.” Clayton replied and suddenly his gray eyes looked afraid and confused. “Uncle Bart was here with bad men… They hurt mama. She told me to run and when I came home she was gone.”

“They hurt Joe?” Jonah asked. Reb spared him a glance and saw that he was staring hard at the boy. His face was pale and drawn and his eyes made him look like a lost and frightened child himself. Reb sighed. Jonah was tough. He was capable of handling himself in just about any kind of life threatening situation but the fact remained that inside Jonah was still that little boy longing for just one person that would care about him. That boy who’s father had run off and died, who’s mother had been too busy spreading her legs to take care of her son, who’s uncle had locked him in closets and starved and beaten him.

Jonah had never really recovered from all of that. It had left him broken inside. Prone to bouts of depression which were fueled by the bottle. That’s why Jonah had once had that dream of being a real gentleman with wealth and prestige.

Reb couldn’t believe that Joe had had Jonah’s son all this time and hadn’t found a way to let the man know. It just didn’t seem like something Joe would do and yet standing here in front of him was the proof. Joe had lied to Jonah and Reb knew his friend…. Jonah would use this as one more excuse to lock himself away and drink himself stupid.

“They shot her.” Clayton whispered, his eyes shining bright with unshed tears. “But mama always said if somthin’ happened and she had to leave that I should stay here cuz she’d come back.”

“When did they take her, kid?” Reb asked as Jonah left the porch and began pacing, pulling off his hat and shoving his hand through his hair.

“My name is Clayton and quit talkin’ to me like I’m a baby.” the boy warned as he stood straight.

“Clayton!” Jonah spoke up warningly. “When did they take your mama?”

Clayton’s gray eyes widened as they looked at Jonah and Reb wondered just what was going on in each of their minds as they looked at each other. Did they feel some sort of pull to one another? Did Clayton notice that this tall man had the same eyes as he did?

“Yesterday.” Clayton finally replied. “We came home from checkin’ our traps and they was here.”

Reb watched Jonah as the man walked around and began studying the ground closely.

Renegades and Stubborn Pride (sequal to Renegades and Pretty Women)Where stories live. Discover now