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Name: Oro
Nickname: None
Age: 1977
Gender: Male
Hair Colour: N/A
Eye Colour: N/A
Nationality: Unknown
Love Interests: Unknown
Species: God
Family: Unknown Mother, Unknown Father
Squad: N/A
Division: Neutral
Likes: Fairness, Defeating Evil
Dislikes: Bad People, Selfishness


Oro is an ancient god from around 1977 years ago that an ancient tribe believed in. Similar to Midas, he was believed to have the golden touch. Some Ghost henchmen believe that it was Oro who cursed Midas with the golden touch, but there isn't much evidence to support this. In the ancient legends, Oro is believed to have a golden staff and dragon, but only the staff has been proved to exist. The staff, along with Oro, can control the storm, but no one is sure if it's part of a curse or if it's his own magic.
It is unknown whether Oro had any friends or love interests, but it is likely he had them when he was still alive.
Oro's weapons are his magic; being able to control the storm and turn things to gold.
Oro likes to work alone, but he can still defeat whole armies.
Oro will spare fair people, but he also likes a good fight. Any selfish people will not be spared.
Oro is a golden skeleton with a golden crown. He has regal garments that have been worn away over time.

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