Chapter 11: Falling

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-September 30, 2020-

/Q's POV/

"It's kind of unfair, you know? You remember all the memories we shared but I can't even remember one..." Yura pouted

"Aw... it's okay, Yu, I'll help you remember it all~" I cooed, ruffling her hair

"Changmin-ah, don't be so touchy with my sister, hmm?" Juyeon hyung warned

"Yes, hyung!" I said, retracting my hand from her hair

"Why do you have to be so overprotective oppa?" Yura whined cutely

"Cute..." I thought

"As an older brother, I have the rights to be overprotective to my little sister!" Juyeon hyung exclaimed

"Not every brother is overprotective though" I said, side-glancing Kevin

"Why are you looking at me like that? I'm not the only one who has a sister!" Kevin said

"Plus Stella noona is older so~" Kevin trailed off

"That doesn't mean you shouldn't be protective of her!" Haknyeon said

"Hey! Hey! What's with all the shouting?" Jacob hyung asked, emerging from the kitchen

"You were shouting as well Cobbie oppa" Yura said

"Ah~ you want to play like that? No chocolate milkshake for you then" Jacob hyung threatened Yura

"No~ not my chocolate milkshake~ I'm sorry, Cobbie oppa~" Yura apologized while pouting

"Fine, fine. Now, lower your voices or no snacks!" Jacob hyung warned, going back to the kitchen

"So what should we do now?" Eric asked

"I don't know? Games?" Sunwoo suggested

"Question and Answer! Kevin, what would you do if Beyoncé didn't exist?" Hyunjae asked

"Probably listen to others but of course, Beyoncé existed" Kevin answered

"Sangyeon hyung, if someone wants to be leader for a week, will you give them the chance?" Kevin asked

"Why would I refuse such chance of taking a week's rest of leading you? Of course I will" Sangyeon hyung said

"Jacob-ah, is the milkshakes done?" Sangyeon hyung asked loudly

"Almost done!" Jacob hyung answered as loud

"Sunwoo, what would you do if given a chance to time travel?" Jacob hyung asked from the kitchen

"I'd go back to the past and correct my mistakes and embarrassments..." Sunwoo said

"Q hyung, did someone caught you eye yet except Annabelle?" Sunwoo asked

"Yes, someone have" I said casually

"Yura-ah, do you remembered some of your memories yet?" I asked

"A little bit, some are still blurred visions though" Yura said

"You said someone caught your eye already? Do tell her name?" Yura asked me back

"Yura asked for us! You go Yura-yah~" The Boyz cheered as I went frozen for a second

"It's..." I started but got cut off by Jacob hyung

"Gosh, thank you for the save, Jacob Hyung!" Q exclaimed in his mind

"Milkshakes and Snacks are ready!" Jacob hyung exclaimed as I helped him place it

"Yay! Food!" We all exclaimed

Time travel huh?

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