Chapter 1: Separated

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-January 30, 2004-

"One more push, sweetie" The doctor said

"AHH!!!" The woman screamed

"You did a good job, sweetheart" The doctor praised

"We'll just clean them up and bring them back" The doctor added

"Of course, thank you, doctor" The woman said, breathless

-With the doctor-

"Doc, what are you planning to do to her twins?" The nurse asked

"I will take one of them and lie to her about it dying" The doctor said

"But why are you doing that, doc?" The nurse asked again

"I'm desperate, okay? I've always wanted a daughter to take care of!" The doctor screamed

"You and I both know I can't conceive so this is the only way I could think of!" The doctor shouted bursting into tears

"So will you help me or not?" The doctor asked

"I will..." The nurse said hesitantly

"Good, now keep an eye on her while I bring the other one back" The doctor said, carrying the other twin back to their mother, leaving the other with the nurse

-With the twins' mother-

"Ma'am, here's your baby" The doctor said, handing her over carefully

"Baby? But I gave birth to twins..." The woman said

"I'm sorry, Ma'am, but the other didn't made it..." The doctor said

"B-but she was just fine a few minutes ago..." The woman said, denying the truth

"She died from birth complications, I'm sorry for your loss, Ma'am" The doctor said

"N-no... Yura-ah, your sister's dead and you haven't even met her... my poor Yuri..." The woman cried, cradling the baby she named 'Yura'

"I will leave you be first, ma'am, I'm sorry for your loss again" The doctor said, closing the door behind her


"Doctor, everything's prepared" The nurse said

"Good, let's go" The doctor said, walking quickly to leave the hospital

The nurse contemplated with following the doctor or giving the baby back to her real mother

"Leah? What are you doing, let's go!" The doctor said

"Yes, doctor" The nurse named 'Leah' said, trailing behind the doctor

-At the Doctor's House-

"Doc, you do know you might lose your job once the CEO founds out about what you did, right?" Leah asked

"I do, and I'm willing to risk it" The doctor said

"But is it really worth it?" Leah asked once again

The doctor hesitated, contemplating with her answer

"Is it really" The doctor asked herself, glancing at the newborn in her arms

I published this while waiting for our online class to resume-

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