Chapter 2

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Athena's POV

I wake up to the sound of honking and I wake up. I look and see where they looking at up. I see Paige is embarrassed of giving Blake a 'head'. She called Carly and we were all laughing. "You are so busted." Carly said and I laughed. We waited a bit and Carly turned around. "She dropped her lip balm." Carly said.

"Yeah." "Yeah right." We all said. Carly laughed again and I gave a thumbs up to Paige and she rolled her eyes. "Yeah right you dropped your lip balm." Dalton joked. "What's up?" Carly asked. She put her index finger telling us to be quiet. "Why don't we just camp out? We're close enough." Carly suggested.

"All right, we're pulling over." I hear Paige say. Blake honks and points his two fingers to pull over. "Hey wax museum." Wade said. I looked and see Trudy's world famous wax museum. "You like that kind of stuff, wade?" Nick asks. "Yeah, I don't know. Sometimes. Athena likes museums, right?" Wade asked. "Yeah." I answered. "I guess if you like things pretending to be other things." Nick said. "Nick don't." I said. He looked at me then grabbed my hand. "Which you obviously do. Right, sis?" Nick asked Carly.

"Nick. Stop." I said. "If you really loved my cousin they way you say it, Nick. You would listen to her. And she's like a little sister to me." Wade said and looked at us through the mirror. There was a silence and we drove on a small bridge and enter a place for camp. Wade stops the car and I stretched my legs. My legs were asleep and I fell on the ground. Wade catches me before I fall and I get up. "You car sucks, dude." Dalton says.

"No offence Wade, but once we go home. I'm buying you a van." I said and limped towards Carly and Paige who were talking. "Did you tell him?" I asked Paige. "I couldn't there's no point in freaking him out right now." She replied. "As opposed to when you find out you are pregnant?" Carly asked. "Carly,Athena. I'm not sure, okay?" She said and I nodded. "I think you should have a conversation with him." Carly suggests.

"He's been looking forward for this stupid football game for months. And I don't want to ruin it by starting a fight." Paige says. "I agree with Carly,Paige. Do it tonight, not tomorrow. Before it turns into a monstrosity." I quote from a book I read, Paige smiled and I smiled back. "Paige, he's not going to marry you." Carly says. That's a little rough. "What she meant to say is. Say it before its too late. Even if you're not sure." I said. "Who says I wanna get married? Besides, I've been late before." Paige said.

"When I know for sure, I promise to talk to him, okay?" Paige asked. "Okay. Let's go." I said and I grabbed my camping chair. I set it up and sit next to Carly and Paige who were on the floor. "Yeah, don't help us or nothing." Dalton said carrying some stuff. Nick did a rock sign and I walk towards him. "Nick?" I asked. "Yeah babe." He answered. "After the game I was wondering if we can you know. Remember our deal." I reminded him. "Yes I remembered. I'm not saying it'll work. But I'm gonna try." He said and took a breath of the cigarrete.

Wade and the other guys started playing football and nick handed me a beer. "I don't drink Nick, remember." I said and his mouth formed an 'o' I handed him back the beer. Out of nowhere a football hits my calve and I almost lost my balance when nick caught me with ease. Wade reached out for the ball and nick ignored it. I stood away and wade walked towards us. Right when wade was about to get the ball, Nick gets it and throws at Blake with so much force.

"Nice arm. I see why they gave you a scholarship." Wade says. Nick picks up his beer and looks at him. "Yeah, its a real tragedy, ain't it." Nick says giving him the finger. "Yeah it is." Wade says getting close to him. Carly comes to the rescue and stands in the middle. "Wade. Help Dalton, okay? Please." She pleads and wade leaves. "Bye wade." Nick says waving at him. "Asshole." Wade muttered.

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