Disney Princess

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For Demonic-Bunny who is now my unofficial sister now you can't stop me
(RAW: will be edited ltr)
Hawks looked at the sky in worry. The clouds had hung heavy in the sky for days on end, not spilling a drop of rain but still weighing ominously in the sky. The rain made it hard to fly and glued his clothes to his skin. It was cold, wet, colourless and annoying as hell.

Hawks hates the rain.

With his hands buried deep in his pockets and eyes squinting in the dim light of dusk, he contemplated flying home. Sitting under a thick blanket in front of the TV sounded quite appealing. However, listening to his phone ring endlessly as the commission demanded him to get the fuck up did not.

Unfortunately, heroes weren't allowed to have silent mode on their phones, and Hawks had no technical abilities that would allow him to fix that small issue.

So Hawks kept up his patrol, ignoring the clouds that gathered threateningly above his head.

He turned the corner to walk through the park that marked the halfway point. It was practically deserted, except for one small family struggling to make the best of the empty playground before the storm hit. Two small girls swung happily on the swings, brown hair flying in the increasing wind. Their parents watched from a bench, smiling at their daughters antics.

Hawks smiled too, before trying to make a quick cut straight through the centre of the park. Unfortunately, Hawks had never been a very inconspicuous man, and was spotted almost immediately.

"Hawks!" The younger girl came sprinting across the grass towards him. "Wait, Hawks!"

Hawks stayed where he was, putting on his usual smile as she stopped in front of him, smiling and puffing from her run. The girls sister looked up curiously to see what was so interesting, but turned back to swinging when she saw him.

Hawks may or may not have been slightly hurt.

"Hawks!" The little girl said again, a smiling 4-5 year old with a more than noticable gap in her teeth. "Hello!"

"Hello!" He replied, grinning as her eager little face lit up at his response. "What's your name?"

She lit up further at his response. "Emma!" She cried.

A classic name, Hawks thought, staring down at the freckles face framed in dark curls. "How are you Emma?" He asked. As anxious as he was to continue the patrol, step number one of heroism was to always to put civilians before yourself.

"Good!" Emma said. Then she gasped. Hawks felt a weight on his head. Small claws seemed to dig into his scalp as he reached up to see what had landed in his hair.

Hawks wasn't surprised when his gentle fingers met feathers. "Hello little friend." He whispered, as not to startle the bird. His feathered cousins tended to like him, appearing out of no where to find purchase on an arm, leg, shoulder, or as in this case, head.

The bird chirped in response, and Emma's eyes widened when he lifted the sparrow from his head and held its small body in cupped hands. Emma gasped again.

"Are you... are you a Disney princess?" Her voice was totally sincere, her eyes still trailed on the small bird.

"Wha-" Hawks almost shouted, but quieted down when he felt the bird shuffle in his palms. "What do you mean?"

Emma looked him head to toe, eyes more critical then a 4-year-olds should be. "Yes, yes, he must be..." She muttered. Suddenly, her eyes brightened. "It's ok! Your secrets safe with me!"

Hawks watched, confused, as Emma bounced away, joyous look circulating on her face. Her sister greeted her, and they continued playing on the swings.
Later that week, Hawks was chilling on one of the PLF's couches when Dabi dropped a newspaper on his lap. The villains bemused expression presented no goodwill.

"Take a look at that, princess." The scared man giggled in a way that shouldn't have been possible, and suddenly Hawks didn't want to know.

"Um, no thanks." He pushed the newspaper to the floor.

"Not an option." Dabi was over-dramatic about the way he scooped up the paper, a grand sweeping gesture that showed that the villain was more flexible than he looked. Hawks watched with weary eyes as Dabi flexed the newspaper in front of him and began reading out loud.

"Schoolyard Rumours: Hero Hawks is a Disney Princess?" Dabi's voice hitched on the last word, and Hawks looked up to see him holding his breath, obviously trying not to laugh so he could keep reading.

"Asshole." Hawks murmured.

Dabi didn't even have the nerve to look offended. He kept reading. "Young girl claims to journalist that Hawks attracts birds, just like Snow White. Her sister agreed, saying that anyone with that face was either gay or secretly female."

Hawks choked on air, sending a death glare towards Dabi, who was doubled over in what looked like pain, laughing.

He got up and walked over to the incapacitated man. He snatched the newspaper out of the fire users hands, tearing it in half.

Dabi straightened up, an expression of mock-offence gracing his features. "Wow, dick move Hawks."

"Shut up." Hawks growled. Emma has promised! He didn't know why he had expected her to keep her childish relevation to herself, but he still felt betrayed.

Dabi just grinned. "Don't you want to know the rest? I partially memorised it."

Hawks glared at him. "No you didn't."

"Yes I did." Dabi cleared his throat. "The young girl continued to list reasons why Hawks was a Disney Princess, and now there is a new big question. Is Hawks, our favourite hero, truly fit for Disney royalty?"

Hawks threw a pillow at him. Dabi took it right in the face, smile still unwavering.

Toga decided on that moment to enter. "Heya Princess Hawks!" She giggles.

Hawks chose that movement to leave.

He didn't come back again until he craved free chicken.


It was raining and I was bored
Also wrote this in like 10 minutes on the bus.

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