Two Birds on a Wire

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 I'm sure we've all heard the song


'Two birds on a wire...'

Dabi looked over at Hawks and grinned. They sat on Hosu's satellite tower overlooking the city. Hawks watched it grimly, blue fire reflected in his eyes as his home ground burned beneath him.

'One tries to fly away'

"Come on Dabi." Hawks stood, eyes still glued to the illuminated city. "We should get back to the league."

'And the other watches him close from that wire.'

Dabi's stared at him as he brushed his hands off on the front of his pants. "You really want to go back? I won't be able to see you again for a while."

Hawks finally looked at him then, turning from where he had begun to walk away. "And?" The look on the heroes face was one of pure confusion, and Dabi balked.

'He says he wants to as well...'

"Uh, nothing. We should be getting back now anyways." Dabi mumbled, pushing past Hawks and heading straight for the fire exit.

"That's what I said!" The hero exclaimed, following close after.

'But he is a liar.'


'I'll believe it all...'

"The commission needs more information. They're starting to get suspicious."

Dabi just nodded. He already had the information ready to go and handed it to Hawks without a second glance. He had faith in the bird to make sure the information that was fed to the Safety Commission didn't jeopardize their mission.

'There's nothing I won't understand.'

Dabi had barely even made it over the threshold before the alarms started ringing. Panicked blue met the eyes of Mr Compresses mask before the two villains threw off their disguises and fled.

They dodged policemen and civilians, blowing up anything in their way. Mr Compress spawned an old lady in front of a police car as Spinner's van veered dangerously around the corner, clipping the curb and almost flipping.


Dabi jumped in behind Mr Compress. The door shut and the van began swerving down the street. Through his carsickness, the fire villain stared out the rear window onto the blue flames that marked his trail. Had he been a moment later, the bank doors would have shut on him and his reign of terror would have been over.

Dabi shivered. He was sure Hawks would have an explanation.

'I'll believe it all...'

The hero shrugged. "I must've accidentally sent them the wrong files."


Hawks frowned. "Hey, it's better than the commission becoming suspicious of me."

Shigaraki just glared.

'I won't let go of your hand.'

Dabi stepped up next to Hawks. "Chill Handyman." He drawled with a lazy grin. "It was an accident, let it go."

"This accident could've been the end for us, Dabi." Shigaraki sneered, eyes tracking the appreciative glance Hawks sent the fire user.

"And it won't happen again!" Hawks cut in. "I swear, I'll be more careful next time."

Shigaraki glanced between the hero and Dabi, as if sizing them up to something. In the end, he just turned walked away.

Dabi looked at Hawks and smirked. Hawks looked up at him and nodded, before moving away towards Twice. Dabi just shrugged.

Maybe next time.


'Two birds on a wire...'

Dabi stared at the arch of Hawks wing, barely visible from where he sat reading. Slowly, Dabi put down his book and stood up, moving towards the balcony.

'One says c'mon...'

The night air caressed Dabi's marred face as he walked out, black sky turned navy in the light of billions of stars. He stood next to Hawks, the hero tracing patterns in the sky with his eyes.

"I have to go home soon." Hawks said, seemingly to no one. Dabi just stood there, enjoying the breeze on his skin and the presence of the hero.

'And the other says I'm tired.'

"Ok." Dabi replied. It was late, and his eyes were twitching from reading in the dim light of the leagues base.

'The sky is overcast and i'm sorry.'

"You could come with me?" Hawks asked. There was no emotion in his voice, just a question to be answered or left to the nights breeze.

Dabi looked out onto the glow of the city and smiled softly. But he could still feel the cold of the warehouse floor through his socks, and he exhaled breathily.

"No." He whispered.

'One more or one less'

Hawks just nodded, and spread his wings without a second glance at Dabi. The villain watched as he pushed himself from the balcony and spiralled away.

'Nobodies worried'


'I'll believe it all...'

Hawks threw Best Jeanist towards him. Dabi caught the body bag with the ease of a murderer.


"Of course."

'There's nothing I won't understand.'

Dabi pounded on the apartment door. His fists hurt from the relentless banging, but he didn't stop. "HAWKS!" He screamed.

No response.

Dabi didn't question it when the bird showed up on Endeavours side twenty minutes later.

'I'll believe it all...'

'I won't let go of your hand.'



The song isn't finished yet but I am so

DabiHawks OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now