It Was An Accident

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Warning: Mpreg. If that makes you uncomfortable, please proceed onwards.

Also, this is unfinished and discontinued. I am pretty sure I won't br writing another chapter.


One thing that Hawks did not expect to learn about himself was the fact that he was a female bird.

The second thing that almost swept himself off his feet was that the female bird in his male body was pregnant.

Regretting things was something Hawks had never done. Regret would only weigh you down and hold you back from achieving your life goals. But now that his goals were pretty much achieved, he had started to think back to all the little things that he might've been able to do better.

Maybe he could've stood up for that girl with the broken butterfly wings. Maybe he could've escaped out that open window. Maybe he could've said no when the commission came for him and ran away to whatever paradise awaited outside their extensive reach.

So when he found out he was pregnant, his entire life flashed before his eyes, as well as a million opportunities he could've taken to not be in this mess right now.  Unfortunately for Hawks, those opportunities were bygones that his future would not allow itself to be altered, and he was stuck with the ruins of his choices.

What he really wished though, if he had one more chance to change this future, he would beg whatever forces bent the earth to not take this out on the child that grew inside him. He would pray to the God that had let him down so many times and preach to his dead best friend to at least spare the one thing that didn't play a part in this mess.

But like they did every other day, his prayers reached empty ears and another life was placed onto his straining back.

Hawks had never even considered the far-fetched possibility of male pregnancy. Sure there were quirks for gay couples or people who couldn't have children, but the chances of it happening to him were slimmer than a barren women's, until now, where suddenly safe sex was sounding a lot more appealing.

So basically, when Hawks woke up with morning sickness, he put it down to the simple conclusion of some type of food poisoning. I mean, if you eat raw meat without expecting any consequences, you should probably get a psychologist.

And when he started getting bloating, he chalked it up to the excessive amount of fried chicken he had eaten the night before. If you ate fried chicken with the raptor instincts he had, you should probably limit your intake to avoid certain death.

Only when his stomach's bulge started to show did he call his doctor. The commission would be pissed if he let something as small as this ruin his public image.

Dr Cheng was a small Chinese man that had been looking after Hawks since day 1 in the field. He was patient and kind, but Hawks had an uncomfortable feeling that the commission was holding the man to some kind of unspoken threat. The doctor used to be called in almost every day for various training injuries and seemed to suspect that some of them weren't just from the dojo. Of course, Hawks couldn't say anything even if he wanted to, but Cheng and him had an unexplainable connection in which an understanding seemed to pass between them.

Their communication was shown in the small candy bars hidden in bandages and the stickers left on clothes. It was in the small smiles and the hugs-that-were-for-medical-purposes. It was in the way that soft 'Happy Birthdays' were whispered and soft touches were gifted. And those connections were one of the only things Hawks could hang onto as a way to keep living through the hell that was his life.

Dr Cheng was one of the few people he could trust. Their relationship gave Hawks the good father he never had. Now that he was out of the commissions' headquarters, the doctor was allowed to visit the heroes apartment, away from the watchful eyes of his handlers.

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