- Twenty

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Important message: please read the bottom after as there is something important written! <3
Bryce's Pov

"Hello vlog" Ariana smiles at her camera, "Since when the fuck where you vlogging?" You laugh "Bryce, shut the fuck- I meannn flip up, this is a pg channel" she says "Sure 'pg' channel" you laugh, "Anyways today I'm getting a puppy, and I'm gonna surprise the boys with it, cause  I'm actually gonna be in la permanently" she smiles "Wait since when were you coming here permanently!?" You say confused "Wait you didn't know?, even Cynthia knows and she's in another country" she bursts out laughing "sure whatever, anyways, Yay looks like I will get to annoy you even more" you say "Shut the fuck up hoe" she blurts out and you just stare at her, "What happened to the 'pg' channel" you ask while just laughing, "Guys ignore him, but he does have a point I can't act like I don't cuss cause I do, if you aren't the biggest fan of cuss words please don't watch my channel" she laughs "anyways enjoy this montage of me and Bryce jamming to still softish on repeat" (YouTube thumbnail will be in the next chapter)
Ariana's Pov
You turned the camera off while you and Bryce discussed names for the puppy "What about Duchess?" He asks "Wait that's actually quite cute!" You giggle "I kind of like the name Simba but I don't know" You say softly smiling "Bryce can I ask something?" You say nervously smiling "Of course ask anything" he says slightly looking worried "Do you think I would be a good mom?" You slowly say "Um Ari I don't know what to say, I haven't really seen you around children I'm sure you would be a great mom, but please don't tell me your pregnant, and who did you hook up with?" He asks "BRYCE! I'm not pregnant, but I love children so much I would love to be a mom some day!" You say starting to tear up "Ariana what's wrong!?" He asks now looking very worried "I just wish I had a better relationship with my mom" you say while a tear drips down your face "Ariana you have us now it's okay!" He slightly smiles "Thanks Bryce it really does mean a lot to me I see you as an older brother and everyone else like family to!" You smile at him "Okay well we are here, I hope you have a name picked" he laughs, you get out the car and go into a shelter and instantly you see the dog you wanted she was adorable:

"Hello vlog" Ariana smiles at her camera, "Since when the fuck where you vlogging?" You laugh "Bryce, shut the fuck- I meannn flip up, this is a pg channel" she says "Sure 'pg' channel" you laugh, "Anyways today I'm getting a puppy, and I'm gonna ...

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"Bryce, I know what dog I want!" You say jumping up and down, "Wait really, I thought you were going to be like two hours, thank god!" He laughs, you point to her and he instantly says "Omg yes get her she is so cute!" He says "cuter that Addison?" You smirk "shut up" he says and you just laugh, you walk up to the counter "Hello" the lady smiles "Hello I was wondering if I could adopt one of the puppy's?" You ask "Of course dear, what age are you?" She asks "Seventee-" Bryce stands on your foot, remembering you that you have to be eighteen to adopt a animal so am I gonna lie? Of course (Yes go bold, queeeen!) " I'm eighteen" you smile "Hmm okay what dog is it you would like" she asks you, you point to the puppy you would like to adopt, and she brings her over "This is Daisy, if you would like to change her name please decide now" she tells you, this is so hard there's so many names you like until you think of the name Bryce had said, "Could I please have her name as Duchess, please" you smile "Of course, please just sign here and she's all yours" the lady smiles,

In the car,

You and Bryce already bought, food a bed etc for Duchess and stuff, and your about to pull up to sway, you take out your vlog camera and hit record, "so guys I bought her, her name is Duchess, We were gonna show the boys one bye one but I had already told Nessa about this and I called her and she says they are all Downstairs eating, so we are gonna show them all at the same time, it's gonna be super chaotic but who gives a shit" you laugh "you ready for lots of screams" Bryce laughs "I mean I guess" you grin, he opens the door and everyone just stares, "Omg a puppy, I wonder who's that dog that can be!" Nessa winks at me, "Well guess the fuck what, it's mine, surprise!" You laugh, they all look shocked, then they all just run up to me and almost knock me over, typical boys😾 "Can y'all get off now? You giggle "OMG WHAT IS HER NAME!" Quinton screams "It is Duchess, and also keep it down the poor thing is gonna be petrified" you laugh, "I WANT TO HOLD HER!" Anthony screams, "Guys she is clearly scared, at least wait until she is settled in, my gosh" Bryce laughs "Wait wait wait, your telling me you took BRYCE? and none of us?" Griffin puts his hand to his heart and pretends to be offended "Bryce actually gave me the name idea, plus the rest of you guys can't keep a secret" you laugh "BRYCE PICKED THE NAME?" They all scream "Yes!" He says " I know it's pretty lit, also I'm the uncle so don't yall even ask her about that" he smirks, they all looked shocked "You picked this dumb fuck to be the uncle and, not even your own cousin?" Griffin pretends to be offended again "Calm down yall can all be the uncles, my gosh, anyways night" you say walking up the stairs, already knowing they are all gonna come in later asking to play with Duchess,
3:09 Am

It's three am and you can't sleep, so you text Jaden

Jay, come to my room I can't sleep🥺

Fine, only if I can play with Duchess?🥺

Ugh fine😾🐾

"Im here" he says bursting the door open, he lays beside me and duchess and just sits petting her, "Wow you like her better than me?" You fake cry, he just smirks "No I don't I like you both the same" he laughs "Sure you do" I smirk, "Look Jay, I really like you
and I think more than a friend..."

A/n: Okay so Cliff hanger also, if you decided to read this part thanks so much cause I actually have a question, Do yall want Ariana and Jaden to kind of like start talking and getting to know eachother better but not be a proper couple at playlist or not? Please comment, also I have an amazing idea for playlist so stay tuned :) - Poppy <3

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