- Eighteen

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At Sway
Jaden's Pov

Me and the boys had just been playing video games all day, then we decided we were going to go to target cause Bryce decided to cook, he may of almost burnt the house down but anyways.. the girls should be back soon, they have been gone hours, just as I say that Avani's car pulls up outside, Josh and Bryce go help them carry the bags in, while griffin is making steak for dinner, Ariana walks in and she looks really stressed, I hope she's okay ;(

Ariana's Pov
You walk in the house, and begin to get really worried, the outfits I bought today are a bit.. revealing, and people said I need to go on a diet, maybe I should just not wear them.. "Ari we are going to go try on our clothes and show the boys, you coming?" Avani asks "Umm" you try to think of a excuse "I would love to but I gotta go call my mom..." you say obviously lying "Oh okay then, come on ness" Avani smiles at you, since you said you were going to I mean I guess I should call my mom, you pull up her contact and press  call, not gonna lie kinda shitting my self right now but I mean oh well.. she finally picks up "Hey mom how are you?" You ask "I'm doing great Ariana, there's actually something I need to tell you" she says and you instantly get really nervous "Okay go ahead" you smile through the phone "Okay so I know i said your only gonna be staying with griffin for a couple months but it turns out I got given a job in Japan so your going to need to stay there permanently, please don't be mad" she tells you "Look mom, I'm not mad I have actually been getting on really well here, don't get me wrong I miss kenzie but It isn't like I don't get to see her, so I don't mind" you smile "Okay well that's good anyways, bye" she just hangs up.. I wish I had a better bond with my mom, she just really changed when my dad died you know? Anyways besides the point, you go upstairs and knock on jadens door,

Jaden's Pov
After dinner you went to your room to watch Netflix, when someone knocks at the door "come in" you say wondering who it was, then a very sad looking Ariana comes walking over to me, "What's wrong baby- um.. I mean ari" you awkwardly smile "I'm not good enough" she says "Yes you are Ariana what makes you think that!?" You ask her "W-we went shopping t-today and I got some clothes but I-I'm to fat to w-wear them" she stutters and then just burst into tears, "Ariana Marie Westbrook, you are not fat!" (Marie is her middle name LMAOO) "Really, or are you just trying to make me feel better ?" She says "Of course I don't think your fat!" You smile looking down at her, then she just drifts off to sleep" you kiss her forehead, wow I really was lying to griffin when I said i just see her as a friend.. but we could never ever date, griffin would never allow it...

A/n: Okay so like Stan Jaden for clear skin for simping over our gal Ari, anyways next chapter is gonna be packing for playlist and Ari is gonna realise she is worth it, and to not listen to the haters, cause she a queeeen, Okay bye - your bitch poppy xox🤪

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