America's Ending

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"I... I want to be with you Alfred," you said almost silently, though the man heard you clearly.

A triumphant smile lit up his entire face.

You definitely would rather be with Alfred. Yes, he was more aggressive, but at least he was upfront about it. Matthew had been doing things behind your back. You would rather be with someone honest.

"Ha!" Alfred crowed, "Told you I would win! Now..."

He flopped his arm around your shoulders.

"I think it's about time me and you should go home," he said.

Matthew's face morphed into a look of hurt and horror.

"Y-you're not serious," he mumbled, "Y-you're not actually... actually..."

"Well, obviously, she was going to pick me," said Alfred, rolling his eyes, "I'm the hero... and you're the minor character in the background that nobody sees. So, duh, she picked me."

He didn't seem to notice as you watched Matthew clench his fists and grit his teeth before muttering something you couldn't quite here. As Alfred and you turned your backs on him, Alfred's arm still around your shoulder, you felt the weight leave your body as Matthew practically jumped on Alfred.

"Get off of me!" Alfred yelled grabbing his brother's shoulders.

"I don't want to be alone!" yelled Matthew, "I don't want to be alone! I refuse to go back to that... hell of an existence!"

Sadly, it really was no match at all. Perhaps strengthened emotionally by your previous approval of him, Alfred easily flipped his brother and pinned him into the sidewalk. His hands landed on Matthew's stomach and head, thoroughly and quickly knocking him out. You cringed as it made contact, wanting to scream but feeling nothing but tightness in your throat. Alfred released his grip and pressed ear onto Matthew's chest.

It was silent for several seconds.

"Did you kill him?" you whispered in horror.

"No," said Alfred, "He's fine. I know my own brother. He'll be right as rain in the morning."

He smiled, smiled at you and then stood up. He walked over, as if blood wasn't on his brown jacket, looking like he wanted to hug you. You quickly backed into the wall behind you.

Alfred looked confused for a minute, before sidling beside you and placing an arm around you.

"Hey, come here," he said, "It's just me. Besides, you picked me, didn't you? That means you and I are going to be together for the rest of your life."

That's right. You did pick him. But now you weren't so sure. No, you didn't want to be with Matthew, but did you really want to be with Alfred for the rest of your life?

You tried to push him away, but he grabbed you by the shoulders and pushed you into the wall, so hard that it you felt scrapes form on the back of them.

The rain was still falling, making your face wet and cold. He looked into your eyes, and a strange terror entered your heart. You didn't know why though.

"You like me," he said, "I know you do. You're just playing hard to get, aren't you?"

You tried to shift but couldn't and felt his grip tighten. It was starting to hurt.

"You think it's cute, don't you? And it is, kind of, but the game gets a bit old eventually, doesn't it? You took it a little bit too far last time, to be honest. But I'll forgive you, I just want you to be honest with me for once, F/N..." he said, "So, go on. Say you love me."

You wanted to say it, really you did, so that he would be appeased and stop manhandling you, but you were so scared for some reason that you couldn't.

When you didn't say anything, his expression shifted.

"Well then, I guess I'll have to find a way to get you to be honest with me," he muttered.

And before you knew it he had your mouth pressed against his. Quite firmly and confidently he kissed you, letting go of your shoulders and drawing you close in a warm hug. His kisses became less tame though as he started licking your mouth. He apparently wanted more and started trying to force his tongue into your mouth.

Everyone had limits and that was yours. You turned your head, which caused his tongue to end up on your cheek. Gross, but slightly better than your mouth.

"Alfred," you said, trying not to cry, "I love you. Really, I do. I love you so much, ok? Y-you can stop now."

He paused making out with the side of your face.

"You love me?" he asked.

"Yes, I love you," you said, "I really do. Now please stop."

There was a slight pause.

"Finally!" he said, "You admitted it."

He lifted you into his arms, holding you close to him.

"Say it again," he said.

"What?" you asked.

"I want to hear it again," he said

You tried not to grit your teeth as you started to sniff.

"I l-l-love y-you," you said again.

"Hmmm," said Alfred, "I want to believe you, but last time you were so mean to me... How do I know you're telling me the truth?"

You couldn't help crying now. Couldn't he just be happy with what you gave him and leave you alone? No, Alfred always had to have more of you. Always had to know something more or do something more to you.

"I do th-th-though," you said, "I won't leave you. I p-promise. I w-w-won't r-run away f-from you anymore. What more do you want from me!?"

You yelled out the last sentence, really crying now, frightened and upset.

Something you said must have worked, though. Perhaps the fact that your face looked like a gross waterfall somehow softened him up, though you really didn't know what it was. Alfred looked up a bit guilty for the first time. He then snuggled you closely until your face was pressed against his jacket.

"Man, you're all wet..." he whispered gently, "You must freezing out here. How about we go home, huh? To America."

America... the place you had run away from you were being forced to go home to... forever.

A/N – This is so darn cheesy. XD Thank you all so much for reading though all the way to the end! You are all awesome, whether you commented,voted, were silent, everyone. This wouldn't be possible without you.

Coming up, I have some more Yandere stories. I'm not one hundred percent sure when I will be uploading it, but it should be before the end of the month. Until then, I'll be uploading a really cheesy story I wrote a long time ago. If you would like to see either of those, please follow, so that way you can stay up to date on the stories. Thank you all again so much, and hopefully see you soon!

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