Chapter Six

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Canada was staring out the window, feeling like a child who had a treat. And in truth, that was exactly what he had gotten. Before he had left, he found, dropped on the ground a hairpin, matching the color of the one you had been wearing seconds earlier.

Before he had left, when America's back was turned he had bent down and picked it up before pocketing it. Obviously, you wouldn't care if it was gone. Right? Of course. It was just another little something to remind him of how much he liked you.

Yes, Canada liked you. It was weird, admitting it to himself. But there was no other explanation. The amount of pleasure he felt when he was with you and amount of caring he felt towards you clearly indicated that he felt something very special for you that he may not have felt for anyone else ever before.

With that came a whole slew of thoughts though and complications. Both he and his brother obviously liked you. Should Canada act on those feelings? He had to admit, as much as he hated the idea of America being your boyfriend, he also would feel a teensy bit guilty if he started dating you after America had been rejected.

No, he should just be content with what he was getting and the little extra bits he got thrown at him. It was nice, having someone's attention and affection, and equally nice to have little bits and bobs of things you left lying around.

He was so caught up in his thoughts, that he didn't even notice that America was silently scowling on the drive home.


"I tried," said Mindy, scowling at Ben.

You looked at him to see him shrug.

"What I do?" he asked.

"She was trying to avoid those two doofuses!" said Mindy, "DUH!"

"Still, Mindy," you said, "Don't lie about it. Thanks though."

You sighed.

"Thank goodness the aggressive one doesn't live out here," you said.

Mindy laughed.

"Yeah, you crazy Yankees coming up here and messing us up," she said.

You rolled your eyes.

"So, have you read Life of Pi yet?" you asked, "It's one of my favorite Canadian books."


America was drumming his fingers on the steering wheel of the car. Glancing every once in a while at his weirdly happy brother.

Pieces in his brain were starting to fit together, but America really did not want it to be what it seemed like it was shaping up to be.

You were the perfect girl for him, but you just weren't willing to spit it out. Why, America didn't know for sure yet, but he had two ideas that he was certain had to be the reasons you were rejecting him. Either a) you were super shy like Canada was telling him, too meek to confess your pure, maidenly love. This had been what he thought for the last two days. And if it was, it shouldn't be too hard to get past. He just needed to pry you out of your shell.

He had formulated another idea though. It was either that or b) you liked him lots, but there was someone else you liked lots more and would rather be with. Someone that made him seem dull in comparison, whether or not America was really the better choice for you. That you just didn't realize how great America was and were thinking about someone else instead. Someone named Canada...

Canada said you were shy, but for some reason, you never acted shy around Canada. With him you were outgoing and happy, while with America, you were cold and reserved. It was annoying him. Was Canada trying to trick him? No. They were brothers, Canada would never do that.

The Strong and the Silent (Yandere America x Reader x Yandere Canada)Where stories live. Discover now