Canada's Ending

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"I-I want to go with Matthew," you said, clinging to him awkwardly.

As the words left your mouth, Alfred's face contorted darkly.

"Well," he said bitterly, "If that's how you want it..."

He lunged for his brother who jumped back quickly and in slight shock.

"I-I thought we were letting her choose, Alfred," he sputtered.

"Yeah, that's because I thought she was going to make the right choice!" yelled Alfred, "You've obviously brainwashed her with your evil Canadianness!"

With that, Alfred aimed a fist at his brother and hit him square on the nose. You let out a worried gasp of fear. The last thing you wanted was to be dragged off by him as Matthew lay dying in the street.

Matthew, nose starting to drip, clenched his fist and equally matched to his brother's aggression. Soon, the two were on the ground rolling and pulling at each other's hair in a full blown fight. You would have stepped over them and tried to run away if it weren't for the fact that you were more likely to trip and end up in the middle.

Things currently seemed to be on Alfred's side. He was clearly the stronger and more aggressive of the two. He had Matthew pinned on his back and was about to punch him in the face when his brother kneed him in the stomach. Alfred let out a gasp as Matthew used this to push his foot into his brother's chest and gain the advantage himself.

Soon, Matthew had total control over the situation. He rolled and stood quickly before knocking his brother unconscious. You closed your eyes to avoid the details, but could easily guess that the head was probably the target.

All was quiet.

"Finally," Matthew sighed, "F/N..."

You felt yourself trembling as his hand was placed again on your shoulder.

"Let's go," he said softly, and you didn't have the will to refuse.


"I love you, you know? That's why I'm doing this, so that way you and I will always be together."

With that, Matthew locked your hands together neatly in handcuffs. You pulled them away as soon as his grip loosened, glaring at him.

"Please don't be mad at me," he said, "This is for your own good. I love you so much that I don't want anyone taking you from me. You understand, right? I mean, what if Alfred comes back?"

You looked away from him, not wanting to respond. You'd agree to come with him and the first thing he does after dragging you into his bedroom is chain you up. Already, you're starting to regret that you hadn't tried running away when at least one of them was out.

"Hey, it's going to be alright from now on. I know you'll fall for me eventually," he said, starting to talk in a dreamy and cheerful tone, "And when that happens, you and I will be so happy together... There's no reason for you to even be unhappy now, right?"

You didn't answer him. You looked at your feet, which, while less interesting, didn't make you want to throw everything in reach at a wall and pull out your own hair.

"Now, tomorrow, I was thinking I could maybe go to your house and get you some of your stuff," he said, "I already have some things but not everything, you know? What would you like me to get?"

Wow, you're second toe was somehow longer than your big one. Did you know that? Probably, you might have just forgotten. You wondered when toes stopped growing. You wondered which parent you inherited your toe genes from. How come toes weren't made to-

"F/N, are you ignoring me?" he asked.

His tone brought you out of your inner monologue. Something about it made you flinch ever so slightly. Had you ticked him off? Good. He deserved to be, after treating you the way he did.

"Maybe you just didn't hear me," he said, his tone again becoming sweet but having a just barely detectable threatening edge to it, "And that's fine, just, try to listen a little better... OK? Is there anything you want me to pick up when I go to your house tomorrow?"

Something in you said you should respond, but you angrily pushed it down and continued to look at your feet. After a short silence, he spoke.

"I should've figured... You know, after all I've done for you, you're going to treat me like this?" he asked, "Ha... If it wasn't for me beating him, Alfred would probably be trying to ravish on you right now."

That made you flinch, though you didn't want to believe it was true. Alfred was very dominant in personality and very well may have "punished" you for picking Matthew over him, but that still seemed a bit extreme. Even so, the idea was vivid in your mind when you remembered the dark look that had crossed his face after refusing him. Just the very idea of him doing that to you made you sick...

"And what thanks do I get? After saving you, trying to protect you, and offering to get you whatever you wanted, you decide to repay me like this? I honestly thought better of you, F/N," he said, "Unless you would rather be with Alfred. I mean, I could give you to him if you really-"

"No!" you yelled out suddenly and too loudly, before feeling your face heat.

Instinctively, you had reached over and grabbed his shirt as tears sprung into your eyes. No, no, no. That was the last thing you wanted, to be handed over to his brother. To be punished by him. Hands trembling, you quickly let go of his shirt.

"I-I'm sorry," you whispered, rubbing your hands through your hair, "I won't ignore you anymore, just don't... Please don't give me to your brother."

Tears were slowly over spilling, and Matthew's face softened. He placed his hands on your shoulders and rubbed them gently.

"Hey, it's alright," he said gently, "I forgive you, F/N. I would never give you to him. I promise. I love you too much to ever give you up."

As he finished speaking, he bent down and kissed your forehead. You stifled a whimper. Unpleasant as it was, you weren't going to stop him, not after you had just displeased him and been threatened with that. Slowly, his soft kisses moved downward, over your eyelids and cheeks, until they reached your mouth. At first, you froze at the contact, but you quickly realized he may take your unresponsiveness as you deliberately ignoring him. Slowly and mechanically, you started to kiss him back. At your attention, his grip on you relaxed for a second in a flash of bliss before excitedly grabbing you quite tightly.

Nervousness and fear flooded through your body, but you tried to ignore it, not wanting to displease him and make things worse. Matthew started to lick your lips gently, and you twitched slightly. You instinctively drew your head back a little, and he stopped kissing you for a second.

"I love you, F/N," he murmured before rubbing his forehead against your own, "And now we'll be together forever."

And forever was a long time.

A/N – I wrote this so long ago that I feel like it's embarrassing. XD Maybe I'll rewrite this some day. Anyway, thank you for reading to this point.

The Strong and the Silent (Yandere America x Reader x Yandere Canada)Where stories live. Discover now