Chapter Sixty-Five- News

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Firey opened his eyes. A blurry ceiling showed up in his vision. Firey sat up and rubbed his eyes, then recognized the room. It was his dorm. Then he remembered what had happened- Evil Leafy, crystal, power overload, explosion. And so he had died.

Woah, I actually died. Firey thought. But he couldn't remember what it felt like, whether it was painful or pleasant.

Coiny appeared on the bed next to him and headed straight to the bathroom.

RING! Firey's phone buzzed from his nightstand. Without bothering to look at the caller, he answered it.

"Mom, did you-"

Firey! Are you okay?

Firey froze. It wasn't his mom, it was Leafy! And he almost gave away the secrets of the cavern. The less she knew, the better. Firey sighed internally. This was so stupid. He was starting to feel like one of those annoying characters in stories that couldn't share so secret. Dang, he wished he could just tell her and get it over with.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I died when I came in contact with a meteor." he lied.

The truth was much worse. Evil Leafy was making horrifying process. Almost three-fourths of Leafy's stone was infected, and Firey's was splintering. 

Maybe it's a good thing you died, you won't have to go through any more fighting after this! Leafy tried to sound cheerful.

If only she knew, Firey thought.

Did your mom get in contact with mine? Leafy asked.

"I don't know, I'll check." Firey answered, "Call you back later?"

Sure! Oh, yeah, one more thing!


I love you!

Firey froze on surprise as Leafy ended the call. He smiled at himself, feeling his face heat up. Then he dialed his mom.

Firey! his mom shouted, How did the contest go?

"I died." Firey answered.


After calming his mom down, Firey informed her on the situation with Evil Leafy. She was silent for a while.

I wish you didn't need to carry this burden. his mom finally answered.

"I know, but that's something we can't control." 

Firey's mom sounded grave when she agreed.

"How is Leafy's mom? And her dad? Did you get in contact with them?" Firey asked.

His mom cleared her throat like she was about to say something unpleasant.

Firey felt his skin go cold when she said:

The last anyone had seen them was over a week ago. They have not been found.

Leafy took this news very heavily.

What? she cried, I should have checked in with them more! This is all my fault!

"Leafy, I'm coming over." Firey answered, "Is that okay?"

Okay. Leafy sniffed as Firey hung up.

"What happened, you broke up?" Coiny asked.

"No, Leafy's parents have been missing for a while." Firey said coldly.

Coiny shifted, looking uncomfortable. "Sorry about that." he told him, "I hope they can be found."

"Thanks, man." Firey told him, surprised. Maybe Coiny wasn't as toxic as he thought.


"Leafy? It's me." Firey said softly, knocking on the door.

Leafy opened the door, tears still sliding silently down her cheeks. Firey brought over a large book with pictures of them in it.

"Want to look at this together?" Firey asked.

"S-sure." Leafy answered. They sat on her bed together, Leafy putting her head on his shoulder.

Firey put an arm around her as they started looking at pictures together.

"Remember this garden? The one where I got stuck in the tree and was scared to climb down?" Firey asked.

Leafy smiled sadly, "It was hilarious. You were screaming like crazy."

Pin shook silently, but didn't say anything. Firey gave her a thankful nod. She understood that Leafy was in a difficult situation right now.

"And the koi pond I fell in?" Leafy laughed, though she was still half crying.

"And I just ran away screaming from the huge splash? Hid and you had to get out yourself?" Firey laughed.

"And the time we scared Watermelon's cat? She jumped towards my hair but turned in the air at the last second when she realized I was a fire elementalist?"

"And our first kiss?" Leafy added.

Firey looked at her. She was smiling and wiping her cheeks. Then she suddenly grabbed his collar and kissed him. 

Pin ran right out the door, leaving them alone.

Firey made a surprised noise. he was embarrassed to kiss her, but... it felt good.

Firey looked at her when they broke free. She looked less scared, and more happy.

"Let's continue reading, shall we?' Leafy teased, probably seeing the perplexed look on his face.

"Yeah." Firey smiled, and he stayed by her side until she fell asleep.

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