Chapter Fifty-Two- Basic Information

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Firey sat down at the chair in front of Four's desk. He felt a little nervous. What was Four going to be explaining?

Four sat down across from him. 

"So, Firey-"

RING! Four's phone started ringing loudly.

"Oh, sorry about that." he said, picking up the phone and answering it. "Oh, hi, Five. What's going on? WHAT?" Four sat up quickly. "Sorry, Firey, I need to go. My younger sister swallowed one of my oldest brother's pills. They're pretty deadly."

"Uh-" Firey started, but screaming came from Four's phone.

"What? Nine died already? Wow, that was fast."

Muttering came from the phone.

"Okay, I'll revive her. Firey, we'll talk later." 

Four disappeared in a flash, leaving Firey alone and more confused than ever.


"Okay, here are the rules for the upcoming challenge." Four announced.

It was now 12:00, and Four and X were, once again, standing on stage.

"You will appear on an island each. Once you appear, open the chest marked on the red X. There will be some food, water, and equipment. You'll see tomorrow what I mean. The islands are all surrounded with acid. There will be a central island with more weapons and protection stacked up in various places. 

"Such as fire-proof armor, poison, or temporary abilities. After the first day, You'll all be forced onto the central island, were combat will begin if not already. The first twenty people out will not be able to join BFB, and the last five standing will get prizes. Any questions?"

"What do you mean by combat?" Ice Cube shouted.

"Killing each other." Four answered.

Many of the students looked at each other in horror. Others just shrugged, or smiled.

"What are the prizes for the final five?" a boy shouted.

"You'll see."

P.S: Sorry for the short chapter! T^T

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