Chapter Twenty-Four- Awake

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Leafy sighed and looked at the clock. It was already nine, and Firey still didn't wake up. She turned towards him. Firey's eyes were still closed, but his breathing was normal. Suddenly, he twitched.

Leafy leaned over him hopefully. Did that mean... he was waking up?

Firey's eyes fluttered open. "L-leafy?" he whispered.

Leafy tackled him with a hug. ""FIREY! W-what happened? I was so worried!"

Firey didn't respond for a few seconds. 

"I guess I was tired." he finally replied.

Leafy felt like there was something he wasn't telling her, but she nodded anyway. "I'm glad you're back!"

"Yeah... me too." Firey said, smiling weakly at her. When Leafy let go of him, he toppled over. Leafy caught him again, and his breathing was shallow.

"S-sorry, I... don't think I'm strong enough yet..." Firey managed to say between labored breaths. "Where's Pin?"

"I send her to get a teacher for help." Leafy answered, stroking Firey's hair as he closed his eyes. His hair wasn't too hot at the moment, it just felt like sticking her fingers over a warm cup of hot chocolate. "She was so worried too. Pin will be really glad that you woke up."

Firey nodded, his eyes still closed.

"Firey!" Leafy cried, "Please don't fall asleep again! Please, stay awake!"

"Don't worry... I won't..." Firey answered quietly. "Where... are we?'

"In my dorm." Leafy replied. She lay Firey back down on her bedspread. Fortunately, after the fire explosion in the garden, Firey didn't burn anything else up. Nothing got damaged, and thankfully, they were near one of the ponds, so the fire was easily extinguished. 

"Can I sleep here tonight?" Firey asked.

"Sure." Leafy found herself saying.

"LEAFY!" Pin burst into the room, "The teacher-"

"H-hey, Pin." Firey said.

"FIREY! YOU'RE AWAKE!!!!" Pin screamed. "ARE YOU OKAY?!"

Firey nodded.

"He said he was just tired." Leafy explained.

Pin nodded. "You feeling better, Firey?" 

Firey just nodded again. 


No response.

"He's asleep." Leafy said. "He was only awake for a few minutes, and now..."

"Don't worry, he'll be fine." Pin assured. "Now let's get to bed."

Leafy changed into her pajamas, brushed her teeth, and snuggled under Pin's covers. She turned to see Firey sleeping soundly in Pin's bed and told herself that he'd be alright.

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