What am I to do?

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What was Grace to do? She had came all this way to La, preparing for this little heist took weeks for her to do. But now it was all over; in a blink of an eye, and just like that she walked away. She knew this would haunt her; she couldn't go back to her foster family, they would just send her to a group home. She knew her was stubbornness would be the death of her. She took a deep breath right before crossing the street. She knew her idea was a bad one. She dreaded the idea of her doing it again; but there was nothing else to do. She continued walking, though she hated doing this; she told herself it was far too late to do it, even though it was only 8pm. "I hate this, I hate this, I hate this" she walked across another street and into a church. 

"At least I can wait to do it tomorrow". No one was inside, yet the church was huge. She went inside of the kids Sunday school area. She took some mats and laid them out for her to fall asleep.

As dawn awoke another day came; and Grace was still tirelessly sleeping in the church. She stared at the janitor as she day dreamed, but soon came back to reality when she heard him say "Where's your family sweetheart?".

"Leave me alone old man what do you want", she said in a grumpy voice.

"I just want to know if you are okay."

"Shut up, old hag!"

"That's it, I'm calling the cops. You Gen xyz kids always have some type of nerve!"

"Oh really try me" Grace said in a condescending tone.

"Watch" the janitor replied. She grabbed her black Jan sport backpack and ran out as fast as she could, until she was out of breath. But luckily the janitor stopped chasing her and by then she was now out in the big city alone. She sighed and continued to walk on.

Time passed, and she was still walking.

A sigh of worry came out of her and she began having the same deep thoughts she had in the church.

"I could still go back to Chloe" she said to herself

"Who am I kidding". Grace continued to walk.

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