8 - Can't Lose a Friend

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"Rose? Rose! Rose?!" Jason slammed his palm against her door a few times, pausing mid-slam when the door opened. Standing there was his gorgeous ex, ticked off as usual but still as sexy. She flicked her silver strands back and gazed sharply at him, a smirk growing on her lips after a few seconds that both angered and tempted him. "Oh, hello, Todd. Here to beg me to take you back?"

"Wh-what?" He was stunned. She didn't look at all frazzled, even when he growled and pushed past her into the room. She retained the same smug smirk on his face when Jason ranted about Emily's state to her and he finally threw down his hands when she continued to look at him in a silence that felt almost condescending, whipping his head to face her.

"Do you even care at all?! Emily was crying because of you. Have some decency for once, would you?"

"Jason Todd... What brings you to my humble abode? What really brought you here? Because there's no way you could have made your way here just to tell at me about that girlfriend of yours-"

"What did you think I came to do? Check up on you? Unlike you, Emily actually cares about my feelings and guess what? I care about hers just as much so whatever it is you did, she deserves an apology-" Rose let out a laugh at this and Jason clenched his fists. Why was she not taking him seriously? How loud did he have to yell to get through to her? In his anger, he didn't notice she had moved towards him until he felt her hands on his shoulders.

"Let's cut to the chase. Are you two dating?"

"What? No...!" Jason found himself wishing he could say the opposite but he almost laughed at the thought. Emily was just a good friend that he found cute and had kissed that one time, that was all there was to their relationship. Besides, for whatever reason, he wanted Rose back but she was making it difficult for him to still want that. "Of course not."

"She's kinda cute, but compared to me? Do you think she's Rose Wilson hot? I think not." Jason had never gone farther than cute when it came to Emily but he could definitely agree that she was more than that. At times, she was beautiful, at times she was cute and she had been sexy that one time in only his shirt. Emily Brookes transcended hotness, in his eyes. She was at another level entirely, one that not even Rose Wilson could find herself on. Rose was still gazing at him expectantly so he hurriedly shook his head.

"You're gorgeous, you know? I would never compare you two."

"What if I wanted you to compare us, anyway? Right now?"

"Uh... Alright? Unlike you, she's super awkward. She gets carried away when she's telling me things, sometimes and just keeps going. It's the funniest thing, actually. Last week, she ended up going from talking about her love for cucumbers to this deep wonder for where she got her powers from. You should see her go, makes me smile every time." Rose frowned and Jason blinked, suddenly realising he hadn't gone the way she wanted.

"Give me one more chance not to fuck this up further. I really have missed you, alright? Believe me, it's just that Emily kind of gets your attention without even trying." Rose scoffed and brushed her hair back over her shoulders, folding her arms.

"Okay, alright, I know I just did it again gimme a second, geez! Let me see- oh, I've got one. Emily's skin..." Is soft and so damn fair you can tell when she's flustered or embarrassed without even trying. "Her skin is such a weird shade. And her- oh, her nose. It's... So small... and round..." Tiny and small and cute. It's the cutest nose in history... That adorable, button nose of hers. It's as bite-size as the rest of her. Jason Todd, what are you doing? Emily's perfect, why even bother trying to find anything?

Jason struggled to find a feature Emily had that he didn't like for a few more seconds. He went from her stubby toes to her sharp collar bone, only finding more reasons than he had ever had before to be attracted to her because he countered each statement in his head. For whatever cause, Rose was certainly enjoying listening to him attempt insulting his friend because she stood there with a triumphant smirk on her face.

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