2 - The State of Being Fucked Up

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Emily did a little twirl on one foot, blowing kisses to an imaginary audience. She fumbled just as she was about to finish and clenched her fist for a moment, sucking in a deep breath and letting it go. She began to whistle 'Don't Worry, Be Happy', dancing to the beat without a care in the world. Jason grinned as he watched her, cursing when he realised he had been staring at her with a smile on his face like a creep for at least two minutes. She gets cuter every time I see her, dammit!

He cleared his throat and she jumped. He was at the last step of the staircase and he cocked his head to the side, sporting a lopsided grin. She flushed and tried to explain herself but he waved her off, walking briskly towards her when she covered her cheeks in shame. "Hey, don't do that. You should never be ashamed of being yourself around me, okay? We're friends, remember?"

"You came back... I didn't know you were going to come back."

"Happy to see me, Emily?" She scoffed, trying to glance at the back of his hands when she noticed they had been at his back the whole time.

"Well, Mr Motorcycle man with the fluffy hair, I could say I'm happy but I would be even happier if you showed me what you're hiding?" He chuckled, his cheeks slightly flushed when she called his hair 'fluffy'. It was such a small, random and sugary sweet thing to say but she seemed like a small and random person, apparently prone to being sweet when she wasn't trying to destroy body parts of the opposite sex. He handed her a nylon bag and she let out a soft squeak, her eyes wide. She tore it open and stared at what he had gotten her, a bucket full of fried chicken paid for courtesy of the unknowing billionaire bachelor, Bruce Wayne.

Her eyes watered and she struggled to wipe them discreetly but Jason noticed she was quiet and hadn't dug in yet so he gently tapped her shoulder. "Em?"

She stood on her tiptoes and threw her arms around his neck, barely muffling her sobs. Jason swallowed at the sudden but welcome contact, wrapping his arms around her waist. Her lower lip trembled from the warmth, something she had hardly felt in her lifetime. He smiled when she quickly pulled away, cocking his head to the side when she sat down, crossed her legs and bit into a drumstick.Sitting before her, he gingerly reached for the bucket, a soft chuckle escaping his lips when she pulled it away before he could even touch it.

"Ouch. How can you hug me, then reject me, Em? I'm hurt." Her lips tugged upwards slightly but she shook her head, frowning to herself and he frowned as well. He poked her head which was positioned in an awkward place between her knees so she could hide her face from view. Jason clicked his tongue, then asked, "enjoying the food?"


"Are you okay living here, Emily?"

"Yes." He huffed, irritated by her one-word answers.

"Okay... Not even yeah or yep, yes? Why are you suddenly mad at me? You haven't looked me in the eye once today and you're not talking. Did I do something to upset you? Because yesterday, you weren't acting this tense-"

"Yesterday, I thought you were a rapist. Everything's different now, okay? The only friend I've ever had is online so how can you expect me to be me around you when I've been on my own for years?"

"I'm not trying to annoy you, I'm just trying to understand. It's kind of weird seeing you angry."

"I don't even understand myself so you shouldn't try, honestly. Why don't you just... Forget about me and continue on with your probably awesome life, Mr Motorcycle man?" It was the second time in the two days they had known each other that she was asking him to do that and it was frustrating to hear. What part of he didn't want to forget her did she not understand?

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